Idea one vinyls
How to format my documentary?
Images from my own collection
Questions, I can ask people
What was your first experience of vinyl?
do you prefer vinyl more than digital?
Why do you think vinyl i are so popular now?
What I need to research
origins of vinyl record
Articles on why vinyl are making a comeback
Do you think that physical media might make a come back in other areas as well like DVDs?
Generic music
click to edit
Do you think people have a connection to vinyl that people just don't get from digital streaming services?
What do you think is the best vinyl album that you have?
Footage of other peoples vinyls online
What vinyls are most popular?
What are they advantages of having vinyl records?
What would you say all the advantages of having vinyl?
Images of various vinyl records that I haven't got
Streaming impact on the music industry
What the expert say about vinyl?
If you've haven't got vinyl, would you buy it?