SDG Development in Singapore - G4

SDG Goal 5-8

SDG in Singapore 1-4

SDG: Goal 17

SDG Goal 9-12

Future Challenges

The ageing population: a concern for an economy reliant on its people, necessitating the creation of a Nation for All Ages.

Leveraging technology can redesign workplaces and jobs to keep seniors active and employed, mitigating the impact of an ageing society on the economy.

Disruptive technologies: render people's knowledge and skills irrelevant, emphasizing the need for constant skills upgrading and lifelong learning through the SkillsFuture program.

The Whole-of-Society commitment is essential for the success of lifelong learning, involving the Government, employers, community, and individuals.

Limited land availability leads to competing priorities, demanding optimization through creative solutions.

The Underground Master Plan, launching in 2019, will map out and explore underground spaces for potential uses, potentially creating an underground metropolis in the future.

  1. Zero Hunger

Goal 9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure

Goal 10: Reducing inequalities

Goal 11: Sustainable cities and communities

Goal 12: Responsible consumption and production

Clearwater and sanitation

Affordable and clean energy

Gender Equality

Decent work and economic growth

  1. Good Health and Well-being
  1. Quality Education
  1. No Poverty

Infrastructure Building

Sustainable Industrialisation Supported By Innovation

Foster An Inclusive Environment For SME

Reducing Inequalities and Ensuring Social Mobility

Robust Social Security System

Empowering and Promoting the Social, Economic, and Political Inclusion of All

SDG Goal 13-16

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Integrated Land Use Planning

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Building Safety (high safety standard)

Transit-oriented Development and Planning (green transport & green space)

Waste Reduction

Encouraging the 3Rs (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle)

Sound Management of Hazardous Chemicals and Toxic
Industrial Waste

Encouraging Energy-Efficient and Water-Efficient Behaviour
and Practices

End poverty in all its forms everywhere. Not applicable as Singapore does not use an international poverty line.

  1. Partnerships for the Goals

1.climate change 1.Integrate Climate Change Measures into Policies and Planning 2.Implement the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change 3.Promote Mechanisms to Raise Capacity for Climate Planning and Management

2.Life below water 1.Protect and Restore Ecosystems 2.Conserve Coastal and Marine Areas 3.Increase Scientific Knowledge, Research and Technology for Ocean Health 4.Support Small Scale Fishers 5.Implement and Enforce International Sea Law

3.Life on land 1.End Deforestation and Restore Degraded Forests 2.Ensure Conservation of Mountain Ecosystems 3.Promote Access to Genetic Resources and Fair Sharing of the Benefits 4.Eliminate Poaching and Trafficking of Protected Species 5.Prevent Invasive Alien Species on Land and in Water Ecosystems 6.Integrate Ecosystem and Biodiversity in Governmental Planning 7.Increase Financial Resources to Conserve and Sustainably Use Ecosystems and Biodiversity 8.Finance and Incentivise Sustainable Forest Management 9.Combat Global Poaching and Trafficking

4.Peace justice and strong institutions 1.Reduce Violence Everywhere 2.Protect Children from Abuse, Exploitation, Trafficking and Violence 3.Promote the Rule of Law and Ensure Equal Access to Justice 4.Ensure responsive, inclusive and representative decision-making

"Partnerships for the Goals" or "Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the Global Partnership for Sustainable Development" Partnerships for the Goals act as a stimulus for speeding up development on all other SDGs. This goal intends to leverage partnerships toward achieving sustainable development targets by 2030 by promoting collaborations that cross geographical boundaries and sectors. The Partnership for the goals is made up of:

  • Multi-Stakeholder Collaboration
  • Capacity Development
  • Research and Innovation Collaboration
  • Policy Coherence and Coordination
  • Global Local Engagement
  • Monitoring and Evaluating

SDG achieved: Prevalence of undernourishment. Prevalence of developmental delay in children under five years of age. Prevalence of wasting in children under five years of age. obesity prevalence.

SDG achieved: Reduce Maternal Mortality. End All Preventable Deaths Under 5 Years of Age. Fight Communicable Diseases. Reduce Mortality from Non-communicable Diseases and Promote Mental Health. Prevent and Treat Substance Abuse. Reduce Road Injuries and Deaths. Universal Access to Sexual and Reproductive Care, Family Planning and Education. Achieve Universal Health Coverage. Reduce Illnesses and Death from Hazardous Chemicals and Pollution. Implement the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control. Support Research, Development and Universal Access to Affordable Vaccines and Medicines. Increase Health Financing and Support Health Workforce in Developing Countries. Improve Early Warning Systems for Global Health Risks.

Multi-stakeholder collaboration encourages collaboration among the government, private sector, civil society organizations, academia, and communities.

SDG achieved: Preschool organized learning participation rates. Primary school net enrollment rate. literacy rate.

Capacity Development implements investments in capacity-building initiatives to improve skills, knowledge, and competencies across industries. Therefore, supporting the efforts for training, education, and skill development that contribute to the accomplishment of the SDGs. E.g. Implementing programs to enhance skills related to sustainable development, such as workshops on sustainable business practices for entrepreneurs or training programs for public officials focusing on SDG implementation strategies.

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Ending all forms of discrimination against women and girls everywhere.

Eliminating all forms of violence against women and girls in public and private spheres.

Ensuring women's full and effective participation and equal opportunities for leadership at all levels of decision-making.

Improving water quality by reducing pollution, eliminating dumping, and minimizing the release of hazardous chemicals and materials.
Increasing water-use efficiency across all sectors and ensuring sustainable withdrawals and supply of freshwater.

Research and Innovation Collaboration encourages collaboration between research institutes, universities, and companies to create new solutions to the issues of sustainable development. Support knowledge, technology, and best practices sharing to enhance SDG-related research and development.

Ensuring universal access to affordable, reliable, and modern energy services.
Increasing substantially the share of renewable energy in the global energy mix.

Achieving higher levels of economic productivity through diversification, technological upgrading, and innovation, including through a focus on high-value-added and labor-intensive sectors.

Policy Coherence and Coordination collaborates with international organizations, other countries, and regional entities to share experiences, acquire successful approaches, and contribute to global efforts toward SDG achievement. Singapore may participate involvement in international conferences, partnerships, and agreements that are related to its SDG priorities.

Global Local Engagement in SDG-related initiatives participates with local communities. To develop awareness, education, and involvement campaigns that empower individuals and communities to contribute to long-term development efforts.
E.g. Establish educational campaigns and workshops to raise awareness about sustainable consumption among Singaporean citizens. This could include initiatives encouraging recycling, reducing food waste, and promoting eco-friendly practices in households.

Monitoring and Evaluating create methods for tracking, reporting, and evaluating SDG implementation advancements. Also, create indicators and measurements customized to the Singapore context to track progress and highlight areas that require attention.