To what extent was Cicero correct in
identifying the senatorial order as a threat to the Republic? Only refer to events before 69BC. (20 Marks)
Paragraph one : Senate was a threat
Paragraph two : The Senate protected the republic
Mithridates : threat from the east wanted to challenge Rome's dominance of Asia minor and therefore were a threat to the empire's growth and power. Lucullus was sent to deal with the threat and he drove them ack to Pontus, reinforcing the Republic's power in Asia minor
Legal Threat In the Verres trial, in section 16 Cicero mentions how both Verres and Hortensius have bribed the Senators in order to protect Verres from prosecution; Therefore the Senate is a threat to the republic's legal system as their ambition for power and money overrides their desire for justice which means the law courts lack justice.
Physical Threat In 133BC, the Senate used the SCU to allow them to kill Tiberius Gracchus without trial; this emphasises how the Senate hold the power as when they are challenged or rules don't benefit them, they find a way to prevent it to ensure they remain superior. Therefore the Senate are a physical threat to the republic as they act in favour of themselves.
Threat due to power The Cursus honorum functions due to the over ambition of Romans aspiring for fame and power. An example of this is Sulla when he became a dictator in 82BC. He introduced the prescriptions which a lot of patricians abused, resulting in mass killings of Romans; this demonstrates how the senate's overambition can lead to violence within the republic and therefore they act as a threat to it's stability
Evaluation : Verres whole speech is about the corruption of the Senate not Verres and he does this to ensure he wins the case against Hortensius. Therefore, it could be argued Cicero dramatized the threat of the Senate to ensure he won the trial to solidify his role as aedile next year.
Although the Senate poses a threat to the republic through their mistreatment of their power, it is clear that the Senate also protect the republic through their eradication of external threats.
Spartacus revolt: In 71BC after the revolt had been going on for three years, Pompey was sent to go help Crassus defeat them where Crassus killed 6000 slaves and Pompey killed the rest who escaped. This shows how the senate have protected the republic from an external threat which aimed to weaken the republic by taking it's workers. However they were slow to realise the threat of Spartacus.
Sertorius : Marian who tied up armies in Hispania (threat to the military) but was defeated by Pompey in 71BC when Sertorius was betrayed by his subordinate. Pompey not only saved the armies but was also hospitable to the Spanish tribes which gained him support and clients.
Sillett argued that despite Verres corrupt governship of Sicily it actually protected the republic as it prevented the Sicilians from joining the Spartacus revolt, which was another big threat for the republic at the time. This shows how they were not a threat as they instead prevented the growth of an external threat.
Perhaps argued that Pompey's generosity was not an act of generosity but an act of selfishness in order to improve his reputation, ready for his journey through the Cursus Honorum. Therefore this was an ambitious act for himself, not the republic.