SAR 66 Basic Examinations (2)
Related Regulations
Effective date
Advisory Circulars (ACs) are issued by the Director-General of Civil Aviation (DGCA) from time to time to provide practical guidance or certainty in respect of the statutory requirements for aviation safety. ACs contain information about standards, practices and procedures acceptable to CAAS. An AC may be used, in accordance with section 3C of the Air Navigation Act (Cap. 6) (ANA), to demonstrate compliance with a statutory requirement. The revision number of the AC is indicated in parenthesis in the suffix of the AC number.
This AC provides guidance to demonstrate compliance with, and information related to requirements regarding the SAR-66 basic examinations
This AC is applicable to a person who intends to take a SAR-66 aircraft maintenance licence (AML) examination.
This AC is effective on 24 September 2021
This AC relates specifically to:
SAR-66.25 on Basic Knowledge Requirements
SAR 66 Appendix 1 on SAR-66 AML Examination Module; and;
SAR 66 Appendix 2 on Basic Examination Standard
Basic Examination Syllabi and Knowledge Level
The basic examination syllabi is shown in Appendix A. The requisite knowledge levels for each category - Category A, B1 and B2 AML – are indicated by the knowledge level indicators (i.e. 1, 2 or 3) against each applicable subject. Category C AML applicants must meet either the category B1 or the category B2 basic knowledge levels. The knowledge level indicators are defined as follows:
Electrical Fundementals
Electronic Instrument Systems
Materials and hardware
Maintenance and Practices
Basic Aerodynamics
Human Factors
Aviation Legislation
Turbine Aeroplane Aerodynamics, Structures and Systems
Gas turbine engines
Piston Engines
Singapore Airworthiness Requirements
Part 39
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(d) Amendment 3 was issued on and became effective on 3 November 2022.
(c) Amendment 2 was issued on and became effective on 8 August 2017.
(b) Amendment 1 was issued on and became effective on 15 December 2006.
(a) This SAR-39 was first issued on and became effective on 15 November 2003.
key terms related to airworthiness directives, including the term itself, foreign airworthiness directive, and state of design or modification. An airworthiness directive is a document from the Authority mandating actions for aircraft safety.
Foreign airworthiness directives are similar directives issued by foreign civil aviation authorities. State of design or modification refers to the jurisdictional state overseeing the entity responsible for designing modifications or repairs to aircraft components.
outlines the rules for issuing safety instructions for Singapore aircraft and their parts.
outlines the conditions under which the Authority can issue an Airworthiness Directive for aircraft or components. The Authority can issue such a directive if there are reasonable grounds to believe that an unsafe condition exists in an aircraft or its components and that this condition is likely to exist or develop in other aircraft or components of the same design.
Singapore aircraft and components must comply with:
- Airworthiness Directives issued by Singaporean authorities by the specified deadlines.
- Applicable foreign airworthiness directives unless overridden by a Singaporean one.
- Approved alternative means of compliance if available.
The Singaporean authority can:
- Override foreign directives with their own.
- Require notification of foreign directive compliance results.
The Authority may issue an amendment to an Airworthiness Directive in accordance with SAR-39.5 and will identify the amendment by a suffix to the original Airworthiness Directive number.
The Authority may cancel an Airworthiness Directive when the Authority is satisfied that the grounds required by SAR-39.10 for the issue of the Airworthiness Directive no longer exist.
The Authority may cancel an Airworthiness Directive when the Authority is satisfied that the grounds required by SAR-39.10 for the issue of the Airworthiness Directive no longer exist.
Alternate means of Compliance
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(a) To request approval for an alternative means of compliance to an Airworthiness Directive or foreign airworthiness directive, the applicant must provide the following information to the Authority:
Aircraft details, including make, model, and serial number.
Registration markings of the aircraft, if applicable.
Applicant's name and address.
Identification of the specific Airworthiness Directive or foreign airworthiness directive.
Substantiating data demonstrating that the proposed alternative ensures a safety level equivalent to the specified directive.
Additional details as required by the Authority, related to the aircraft, aircraft component, or alternative means of compliance approval.
(b) The Authority may grant approval for the alternative means of compliance if it determines that the proposed method ensures a safety level equivalent to compliance with the requirements of the original Airworthiness Directive or foreign airworthiness directive.
Singapore Airworthiness Requirements
Part 66 (1)
The Air Navigation Order (ANO) paragraph 11 provides for the grant of an aircraft maintenance license
The ANO paragraph 17A provides for the issuance of the Singapore Airworthiness Requirements (SAR), which include SAR Part 66 (SAR-66) containing the requirements which shall be complied with by the applicant for, or holder of, an aircraft maintenance licence
This SAR-66 contains the requirements for the grant of an aircraft maintenance licence and conditions of its validity and use, for aeroplanes and helicopters of the following categories:
CAT A ,B1, B2, C
The SAR-66 was first issued on 4 June 2004. SAR-66 Issue 2 was issued and effective on 15 August 2006. Amendment 1 was issued and became effective on 23 July 2010. Amendment 2 was issued and became effective on 18 June 2011. Amendment 3 was issued and became effective on 11 April 2012. Amendment 4 was issued and became effective on 8 March 2013. Amendment 5 was issued and effective on 5 October 2018.
Application and Issue
An application for a SAR-66 aircraft maintenance licence or a variation to such a licence to add or delete a category, a type rating or a limitation endorsed on the licence, or the conversion of a foreign aircraft maintenance licence to a SAR-66 aircraft maintenance licence must be made in a form and in a manner specified by the DGCA
An aircraft maintenance licence may be granted in one or more of the following categories:
Category A – an aircraft maintenance licence which permits the holder to issue
certificates of release to service following minor scheduled line maintenance and completion of simple tasks in line and base maintenance, as specified in SAR-145, within the limits of tasks specifically endorsed on the certification authorisation. The certification privileges are restricted to work that the authorisation holder has personally performed.
Category B1 – an aircraft maintenance licence which permits the holder to issue certificates of release to service and to act as B1 support staff following maintenance of the aircraft structure, powerplant, mechanical and electrical systems. Certification of work on avionics systems requiring only simple tests to prove their serviceability are also included in the privileges. Troubleshooting on avionics systems is not allowed. Category B1 shall automatically include the appropriate A subcategory.
Category B2 – an aircraft maintenance licence which permits the holder to issue certificates of release to service and to act as B2 support staff following:
maintenance of avionics and electrical systems; and performance of electrical and avionics tasks within powerplant and mechanical systems, requiring only simple tests to prove their serviceability.
Basic knowledge requirements
An applicant for an aircraft maintenance licence or to vary the aircraft maintenance licence to add a category or subcategory to such an aircraft maintenance licence shall demonstrate knowledge of the appropriate subjects listed in Appendix 1, by taking the examinations in accordance with the standard set out in Appendix 2 of this SAR-66.
Full or partial credit against the basic knowledge requirements and associated examination may be given for any other technical qualification considered by the Authority to be equivalent to the SAR-66 knowledge standard.
A basic knowledge examination for each module comprises of a Multiple Choice Question (MCQ) examination paper with the exception of Module M07, Modules M09 and M10, which comprise an MCQ examination paper each and a combined essay examination paper (the M50 paper).
A person who fails a basic knowledge examination twice within a 3-month period shall be ineligible to reapply for that examination for 3 months.
Experience requirements
for category A and subcategories B1.2 and B1.4:
3 years of practical maintenance experience on operating aircraft if the applicant has no previous relevant technical training; or
2 years of practical maintenance experience on operating aircraft and completion of training considered relevant by the Authority as a skilled worker in a technical trade; or
1 year of practical maintenance experience on operating aircraft and completion of a SAR-147 approved basic training course.
Type/task training and ratings
The holder of a category A aircraft maintenance licence may only exercise certification privileges on a specific aircraft type following the satisfactory completion of the relevant category A aircraft task training carried out by an appropriately approved SAR-145 or SAR-147 organisation. The training shall include theoretical training and practical hands-on training as appropriate for each task authorised. Satisfactory completion of training shall be demonstrated by an examination and/or by workplace assessment carried out by an appropriately approved SAR-145 or SAR-147 organisation
Continuity of the aircraft maintenance licence
The aircraft maintenance licence holder shall inform the Authority of any change in the particulars which will affect the information contained in the licence.
The aircraft maintenance licence holder shall apply to the Authority to renew his licence within the 3-month period before the date of expiry of the licence
An aircraft maintenance licence will be renewed provided the applicant is not suffering from any disability likely to adversely affect his or her technical skill or judgment.
Failure to renew the aircraft maintenance licence shall invalidate any certification authorisation issued on the basis of such aircraft maintenance licence and may require recent aircraft maintenance experience and/or the re-sit of some examinations before re-issue of the licence. The Authority will decide for each particular case.
Evidence of qualification
Certifying staff qualified in accordance with this SAR-66 may be issued with an aircraft maintenance licence by the Authority as evidence of one of the qualifications necessary for the grant of a SAR-145 certification authorisation. Certifying staff must be able to produce their licence if requested by an authorised person within a reasonable time.
Equivalent safety cases
The Authority may exempt any person, required to be qualified in accordance with SAR-66, from any requirement in SAR-66 when satisfied that a situation exists not covered by SAR-66 and subject to compliance with any supplementary condition(s) the Authority considers necessary to ensure equivalent safety.
Medical fitness
Certifying staff must not exercise the privileges of their certification authorisation if they know or suspect that their physical or mental condition renders them unfit to exercise such privileges.
Revocation, suspension or limitation of the SAR-66 aircraft maintenance licence
The Authority may, on reasonable grounds after due enquiry, revoke, suspend or limit the aircraft maintenance licence or direct the SAR-145 approved maintenance organisation to revoke, suspend or limit the SAR-145 certification authorisation if the Authority is not satisfied that the holder of the licence and
Singapore Airworthiness Requirements Part 21
Part issued on 15 June 2005.
Amendments issued and effective on various dates.
Latest Amendment 10 on 25 June 2021.
chicago convention-Aircraft tools, excluding airframe or engine parts.
contracting state-Any country, including Singapore, party to the Chicago Convention.
certifying staff-POA personnel certified by DGCA for CAAS(AW)95 Release.
design signatory-DOA personnel certify design data for airworthiness.
appliance-Tools or accessories for aircraft operation, excluding airframe or engine parts.
EASA-European Aviation Safety
FAA-Federal Aviation
Administration of the United States of America
major modification-Type design change with significant impact on airworthiness.
major repair-Repair with significant impact on airworthiness.
article-Refers to product components when applicable.
accountable mamager-Manager ensuring DGCA compliance for an Approval holder.
minor-In modification or repair, it means anything that is not major.
organisation-Refers to any individual, entity, or organization.
Compliant design change under approved standards.
product-an aircraft, engine or propeller.
Restore to airworthy condition, ensuring compliance with original design standards post damage or wear.
singapore technial standart order-
minimum performance standard set by the DGCA for specified articles.
technical standard order-Minimum performance standard issued by the FAA for specified articles.
type design-
Essential data defining a product for airworthiness.
Governs holder privileges.
Outlines Approval maintenance.
Covers certificates, approvals, and their applications.
Part specifies ANO-related requirements.
Foreign Type Certificate: Procedural & Airworthiness Requirements
Variant Type Certificate Application: Subpart A
Singapore product changes: Subpart C or agreed procedures.
STC applicant must:
Create, keep, and revise manuals as per SAR-21.315 standards.
Update manuals to reflect changes introduced by the supplemental type certificate.
Instructions for continued airworthiness
STC applicant needs revised airworthiness instructions per SAR-21.315.
STC applicant distributes revised airworthiness instructions to all operators.
Showing of compliance
STC applicant requirements
Submit supporting data to DGCA
Provide a compliance statement for SAR-21.315 standards
Prove product compliance with SAR-21.315 design standards
Grant of a supplemental type certificate
DGCA grants STC if:
Safety equivalents cover any unmet requirements.
No unsafe features for requested certification.
Changed product aligns with SAR-21.315 standards.
STC holder must follow Subsection VI besides Subpart rules.
Designation of applicable airworthiness design standards
STC applicant follows current airworthiness standards (SAR-21.755)
DGCA may accept older standards if safe or impractical (SAR-21.755)
Inadequate standards may lead to special conditions (SAR-21.770)
Record keeping
STC holder maintains updated technical data file per STC.
Keep records for life of products with STC.
Design configuration control
Hold Design Organisation Approval (Subpart H)
Show control over design changes or have an arrangement, satisfying DGCA
Changes to that part of a product covered by a supplemental type certificate
STC holder needs DGCA approval for major part changes.
Minor changes in STC-covered part by STC holder don't need DGCA approval.
Application for supplemental type certificate (STC) to DGCA
Identify necessary investigations
Source of information for STC
Change description
Affected parts and manuals
Airworthiness standards compliance (SAR-21.315)
Identify necessary investigations
Source of information for STC
Change completion in 3 years
Lapse if STC not obtained, new application needed
Use data for major changes: DGCA approved (SAR-21.117)
Use data for minor changes
DGCA approved
Design Organisation Approval (Subpart H)
Accepted by DGCA (SAR-21.117)
STC transfer allowed to compliant organization with DGCA approval.
Privileges of a holder of a supplemental type certificate
STC holder can:
Approve minor design changes.
Engage in production per Subsection III.
Arrange for change embodiment on a product.
Privileges of Supplemental Type Certificate Holder
Supplemental Type Certificate Application Criteria
Non-Singapore applicants require DGCA approval
DGCA requires accepted foreign type certificate
Supplemental Type Certificate: Major Design Change per SAR-21.755
Acceptability of foreign type certificates
Effective on 15 June 2005.
Outlines requirements in paragraphs 8 and 17A of the Air Navigation Order (ANO)
Grant of a letter of acceptance of type certificate
Applicable type certification basis
Standards of aircraft noise, CO2 emission and engine emission
Safe for the intended use
Acceptability of data under a mutual recognition agreement or arrangement
Appproved by EASA
Issued by FAA certificate holder
Approved by FAA
Issued by EASA certificate holer
SAR-21.755 aircraft emission standards
SAR 21.755 design standards
STSO Certificate of Approval
DGCA may grant STSO if requirements met, possibly with conditions.
STSO holder follows Subsection VI & Subpart rules.
Record keeping
STSO Certificate holder retains records for 2 years after STSO article production stops:
Technical data file (drawings, specs, reports).
Inspection records for compliance tests.
Design configuration control
STSO Certificate applicant must:
Design Org Approval (Subpart H)
have DGCA-accepted arrangement for STSO design configuration control.
Design changes to STSO articles
Major STSO design changes require new SAR-21.455 application.
TSO Certificate application requires:
Certification of compliance.
Model & component numbers.
Technical data per standards.
Instructions for Continued Airworthiness (if applicable).
Compliance with SAR-21.760 standards.
Design configuration control procedures.
Significant implications may require DOA under Subpart H.
Deviations need evidence for equivalent safety.
Privileges of a holder of STSO Certificate of Approval
STSO Certificate holder privileges (SAR-21.480):
Approve minor design changes.
Engage in production per Subsection III.
Mark STSO articles as DGCA-approved following SAR-21.1020(j).
Subpart specifies:
STSO Certificate application requirements and privileges.
STSO Approval: Meets SAR-21.760.
DGCA won't grant if non-Singapore location burdens certification, unless manageable.
Repair design Approval application must:
Provide substantiation data ensuring continued compliance.
Present a compliance statement.
Include compliance with SAR-21.755 standards.
Include necessary instructions, limitations, and updates.
Comply with DGCA-approved data for major repairs (SAR-21.117), or minor repairs (DGCA/Holder's approval or SAR-21.117 acceptance).
Follow DGCA's acceptable format.
Design configuration control
Repair design Approval applicant:
Requires Design Organisation Approval (Subpart H).
OR needs DGCA-approved arrangement for repair design control demonstration.
Subpart specifies DGCA's repair design Approval requirements.
Restoration without design is maintenance.
Repair to STSO article equals SAR-21.475 design change.
Repair design Approval
DGCA grants repair design Approval if requirements met, with conditions if needed.
Repair design Approval holder follows Subsection VI & Subpart rules.
Record keeping
Holder keeps records for repair life:
Technical data (drawings, specs, reports).
Inspection records for compliance.
Design changes to approved repairs
Repair design Approval for product/article repairs.
Design change in repair needs SAR-21.505 reapplication.
Exposition Document
DOA holder maintains Exposition Document:
Accountable manager signs before DGCA submission.
Updates need DGCA approval for accuracy.
Describes organization, design system per SAR-21.670.
Design control system
DOA holder's design control system:
Maintains detailed record-keeping.
Implements corrective and change procedures.
Identifies authorized design certifiers.
Specifies quality assurance and audits.
Ensures compliance with safety standards.
Verifies designs used for production by POA holders.
Clearly defines designs and changes.
Follows SAR-21.665 Exposition Document.
DOA application follows DGCA's acceptable format.
Collaboration between design and production
DOA maintains design-production collaboration for product integrity.
Requirement to hold a DOA
Approval holders require DOA unless decided otherwise by DGCA:
Supplemental type certificate.
Modification or repair Approval.
Type certificate.
STSO Certificate of Approval for an article.
Continued airworthiness
DOA offers airworthiness instructions, if needed.
DOA holder rules.
DOA holder privileges.
DOA grant procedures.
Grant of Approval
Subpart-compliant applicant may get DOA with conditions.
DOA holders follow Subsection VI.
Privileges of a holder of a DOA
DOA holder, within scope:
Approves minor changes.
Arranges DGCA-approved production.
Conducts design, issues compliance statements.
STSO articles
FAA-defined standards for TSO approval.
EASA-established standards for ETSO authorization.
DGCA-issued standards for STSO approval.
Standard parts, materials, and processes
DGCA accepts industry specs for airworthiness.
Airworthiness design standards:
FAA regulations (Parts 23, 25, 27, 29, 33, 35)
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DGCA-issued standards
Engine emissions: ICAO Annex 16 or equivalents.
CO2 emissions: ICAO Annex 16 or alternatives.
Noise: ICAO Annex 16 or alternatives.
Special conditions
DGCA can impose unique safety conditions.
If SAR-21.755 lacks safety for a product.
Due to novel design (a) or unconventional use (b).
Sets standards for:
Parts, processes, appliances under STSO
Standard parts, materials, processes
Production control system
POA holder's production control system must:
Identify approved designs.
Document inspections for materials.
Outline production inspection procedures.
Control nonconforming materials.
Identify special production processes.
Detail quality assurance and audits.
Identify certifying staff for releases.
Ensure conformity and safety.
Include corrective action procedures.
Coordinate with the design organization.
Mark products with essential information.
Establish a record-keeping system.
Adhere to the Exposition Document in SAR-21.1015.
Relationship between production and design
Have design approval or acceptable arrangement.
Maintain close collaboration for product integrity.
Exposition Document
Exposition describes SAR-21.1020 production control system.
Exposition lists POA holder's authorizations to subsidiaries or subcontractors.
POA holder keeps concise Exposition on org, personnel, resources, production, conformity, compliance.
Exposition Document signed by manager before DGCA approval.
Keep Exposition updated, submit amendments to DGCA for approval.
Record keeping
Product records until permanently withdrawn.
Article records for 2 years after production.
POA application must meet DGCA's criteria.
Grant of Approval
Compliance with Subpart satisfies Authority for POA grant.
POA holder must also adhere to Subsection VI.
Requirement to hold a POA
No production allowed without a POA or a Subpart K letter of agreement.
Privileges of a holder of a POA
POA holder, within approval scope, can:
Produce products and articles.
Issue Authorised Release Certificates (Form CAAS(AW)95) for produced articles.
Subpart specifies:
(a) Procedural requirements for POA grant.
(b) Holder requirements for POA.
(c) Privileges of POA holder.
Production quality system, STSO articles
Establish quality procedures for STSO articles.
Ensure conformity with approved design data.
Confirm articles have no unsafe features.
Comply with STSO marking and record-keeping in Subpart J.
Application for and grant of a letter of agreement
Applicant ensures DGCA of satisfactory production without a POA.
Subpart compliance may lead to a letter of agreement.
Applicant can seek limited production without a POA in Subpart J.
Requirements for DGCA approval and continuation outlined in Section 1.
1.2 Section 2 includes AMC and IEM to assist applicants in compliance.
DGCA-issued ACs may contain additional AMC and/or IEM.
If no AMC, IEM, or AC is provided for a SAR paragraph, it's deemed not to require supplementary material.
AMC and IEM defined:
(b) IEM helps illustrate the meaning of a requirement.
(a) AMC illustrates means of meeting requirements.
AMC and IEM displayed on full-page width, identified by issue/change number.
Numbering matches SAR paragraphs, preceded by AMC or IEM.
Explanatory notes, not in AMC/IEM, appear in smaller typeface.
Appendices include sample application forms; obtain the latest editions from CAAS directly or its website.
aircraft legislation
sar 145
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This SAR-145 prescribes the requirements for issuing approvals to organisations for the maintenance of:
(1) Singapore aircraft and aircraft components intended for fitment on a Singapore aircraft under paragraph 8A(1) of the ANO; or
(2) Foreign aircraft and aircraft components intended for fitment on a foreign aircraft under paragraph 8B(1) of the ANO or, if the maintenance is performed in accordance with an international maintenance agreement between the DGCA and another state’s authority.
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The SAR-145 was first issued in January 1996. Amendment 1 was issued in September 2000. Amendment 2 issued on 1 July 2003 became effective on 1 January 2004. Amendment 3 became effective on 1 April 2004. Amendment 4 became effective on 4 June 2004. Amendment 5 became effective on 15 August 2006. Amendment 6 became effective on 17 Jul 2008. Amendment 7 became effective on 1 January 2009. Amendment 8 became effective on 19 March 2010. Amendment 9 was issued on and became effective on 15 July 2010. Amendment 10 was issued on and became effective on 18 June 2011. Amendment 11 was issued on and became effective on 5 October 2012. Amendment 12 was issued on and became effective on 6 September 2013. Amendment 13 was issued on and became effective on 1 March 2017. Amendment 14 was issued on and became effective on 1 June
SAR-145 Section 1
First Issue, Amendment 18 1-2 25 June 2021
- Amendment 15 was issued on and became effective on 5 October 2018. Amendment 16 was issued on and became effective on 1 November 2018. Amendment 17 was issued on and became effective on 5 November 2020.
Pursuant to paragraph 17A of the Air
Navigation Order, the Director General of Civil Aviation (DGCA) has issued this SAR-145 that prescribes the requirements for the approval of a maintenance organisation. The issue of a maintenance organisation approval shall be dependent upon the organisation demonstrating compliance with the requirements of the SAR-145 and all other applicable requirements published by the DGCA.
Application and Issue
An application for maintenance organisation approval or for the amendment of an existing maintenance organisation approval shall be made in a form and manner prescribed by the DGCA and submitted with the required number of copies of the maintenance organisation’s exposition or amendment thereto.
Extent of Approval
The grant of approval is indicated by the issue of a certificate of approval to the organisation by the Authority. The certificate of approval will specify the extent of approval. The SAR-145 approved maintenance organisation’s exposition must specify the scope of work deemed to constitute approval.
Display of Certificate
The SAR-145 approved maintenance organisation shall display the certificate in a prominent place within the organisation’s premises and shall produce the certificate to the DGCA upon request.
Facility Requirements
Facilities appropriate for all planned work, ensuring in particular, protection from the weather elements must be provided. Specialised workshops and bays must be segregated as appropriate, to ensure that environmental and work area contamination is unlikely to occur.
Personnel Requirements
A senior person or group of persons acceptable to the DGCA, whose
responsibilities include ensuring that the SAR145 approved maintenance organisation is in compliance with SAR-145 requirements, must be nominated. Such person(s) must be directly responsible to the accountable manager who must be acceptable to the DGCA.
Certifying Staff
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In addition to the appropriate SAR-145.30(f) and (g) sub-paragraph(s), the SAR-145 approved maintenance organisation must ensure that certifying staff receive Human Factors training and have an adequate understanding of the relevant aircraft and/or aircraft component(s) to be maintained, together with the associated organisation procedures before the issue or re-issue of the SAR-145 certification authorisation. Relevant aircraft and/or aircraft component(s) means
SAR-145 Section 1
First Issue, Amendment 17 1-6 5 November 2020
those aircraft and/or aircraft component(s) specified in the particular SAR-145 certification authorisation.
Equipment, Tools and Material
The SAR-145 approved maintenance organisation must have the necessary equipment, tools and material to perform the approved scope of work.
Maintenance Data
The SAR-145 approved maintenance organisation must hold and use applicable current maintenance data in the performance of maintenance including modifications and repairs. Applicable means relevant to any aircraft, aircraft component or process specified in the SAR-145 approved maintenance organisation’s approval class rating schedule and any associated capability list.
Certification of Maintenance
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Except where stated otherwise in subparagraphs (d), (e) and (f) a certificate of release to service must be issued by appropriately authorised certifying staff on behalf of the SAR-145 approved maintenance organisation when satisfied that all maintenance required by the customer of the aircraft or aircraft component has been properly carried out by the SAR-145 approved maintenance organisation in accordance with the procedures specified in the SAR-145.70 maintenance organisation exposition taking
SAR-145 Section 1
First Issue, Amendment 17 1-8 5 November 2020
into account the availability and use of the maintenance data specified in SAR-145.45.
Note: An aircraft component which has been maintained off the aircraft requires the issue of a certificate of release to service for such maintenance and another certificate of release to service in regard to being installed properly on the aircraft when such action occurs.
Maintenance Records
The SAR-145 approved maintenance organisation must record all details of work carried out in a form acceptable to the DGCA.
Reporting of Unairworthy Conditions
The SAR-145 approved maintenance organisation must report to the DGCA and the aircraft type certificate holder any condition of the aircraft or aircraft component identified by the SAR-145 approved maintenance organisation that could seriously hazard the aircraft.
Safety Management System
The SAR-145 approved maintenance organization (except Sub-part D organisations) must establish a safety management system, acceptable to the DGCA, that commensurates with its size and the complexity of its aviation products or services.
Maintenance Procedures and Quality System
The SAR-145 approved maintenance organisation must establish a quality policy for the organisation to be included in the SAR145.70 maintenance organisation exposition.
Maintenance Organisation Exposition
A statement signed by the accountable manager confirming that the maintenance organisation exposition and any referenced associated manuals define the organisation’s compliance with SAR-145 and will be complied with at all times. When the accountable manager is not the chief executive officer of the SAR-145 approved maintenance organisation then such chief executive officer must countersign the statement.
Privileges of the Approved Maintenance Organisation
Maintain any aircraft or aircraft component for which it is approved at the locations identified in the certificate of approval and/or in the SAR-145 approved maintenance organisation exposition.
Limitations on the Approved Maintenance Organisation
The SAR-145 approved maintenance organisation may only maintain an aircraft or aircraft component for which it is approved when all necessary facilities, equipment, tooling, material, maintenance data and certifying staff are available.
Changes to the Approved Maintenance Organisation
The SAR-145 approved maintenance organisation must notify the DGCA of any proposal to carry out any of the following changes, at least 3 weeks before such changes take place, to enable the DGCA to determine continued compliance with this SAR-145 and to amend, if necessary, the certificate of approval, except that in the case of proposed changes in personnel not known to the management beforehand, these changes must be notified at the earliest opportunity.
Equivalent Safety Case
The DGCA may exempt a SAR-145 approved maintenance organisation from a requirement in this SAR-145 when satisfied that a situation exists not envisaged by a SAR-145 requirement and subject to compliance with any supplementary condition(s) that the DGCA considers necessary to ensure equivalent safety.
sar 147
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