Areas of Interest




Cost of Living Crisis

Poor Nutrition



Trends in cultivated meat

Rise in lifestyle trends like vaganuary

A vegetarian and vegan lifestyle is better for the environment

Misrepresentation of the over 60's

Wheel chair users

Misrepresented in beauty and fashion indurstires

Aging is viewed as something to be feared

'Mutton dressed as Lamb'

Older women in particular are misrepresented

There is an obvious view of a granny style outfit.

Brands are beginning to be more inclusive

Wheel chair users often feel discomfort

This could be made easier with wheel chair cushions

There is an opportunity for excited wheel chair cushions

These could be aesthetic and show individuality

Poor nutrition affects everyone

Poor nutrition services for adults

Poor nutrition services for kids

There are already options available for adults

Pregnancy nutrition

Newborn nutrition

child nutrition

Teen nutrition

Could link to schools

Could be an educational hub to help children eat clean

There are already a few products and services available for pregnant women

There is not too much regarding newborn and infant nutrition

18-25 year olds struggle to buy property

Impacts on older people

A change in livlihood

A platform which helps with this could be helpful