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AWS Cost Explorer
Allows to visualise your AWS cost. Generate reports based on a a variety of factors, including resource tags
- Break down cost by services utilisation
- Time visibility over the cost in the past and provides forecasting capability
- Filter data by tag, categories, regions, linked account...
Exam Tips:
- If exam make question about cost, think about Cost Explorer
- You need to activate a tag before you can start using it in the Cost Explorer (Cost Allocation Tag)
- Budget
- Predictive based on best guess considering cost in the past
- Provides rightsizing recommendations for identify under-utilized EC2 instances (downsizing within the same instance family)
Prepares the data about your costs for the current month and the last 12 months, and then calculates the forecast for the next 12 months
- Reporting
- Cost and Usage reports on aggregated costs across all AWS services
- Saving Plans reports on the utilization and coverages of your AWS Saving Plans
- Savings Plans utilization
- Savings Plans coverage
- Reservations - reports on the utilization and coverages of your AWS Reservations
- Reservation utilization
- Reservation coverages
- Custom Reports (up to 50)
Cost aggregation
Blended costs - Your average cost of usage across the consolidated billing family. Blended rates are average costs of Reserved Instances, Savings Plans, On-Demand Instances, and pricing tiered products. Blended costs are calculated by multiplying blended rate for each service with an account’s usage of that service
Amortized costs - Your costs reflect the effective cost spread across the billing period. This represents your costs on an accrual method of accounting. With this view, the costs are amortized over the billing period. The unused portion of your upfront fees and recurring charges are shown on the first of the month. For example, if you paid a $365 all upfront Savings Plans for one year and you have a matching instance that uses the Savings Plans, then you will see $1 amortized cost per day
Unblended costs - Your costs on the day it was charged. This represents your costs on a cash basis of accounting. Under the Unblended view, Reserved Instances and Savings Plan fees are shown on the day you are charged. For example, if you purchased a recurring Reserved Instance, then you will see the charge on the first day of each month
AWS Cost Explorer needs to be activated. For new AWS accounts, it will take a minimum of 24 hours before you see any cost or billing data
AWS Compute Optimizer
Key Features
Use graphs, metric data and recommendations for moving or resizing resources
Supported Resources
Auto Scaling Group - AVG CPU, AVG Network In/Out
EBS - Read/Write Operations, Read/write Bandwidth, Burst Balance
EC2 - CPU, Memory, EBS Throughput, EBS IOPS, Network Bandwidth, Network PPS, Disk IOPS, Disk Throughput
Lambda - Memory size, Duration, Count of Errors, Count of Invocations
Things to Know
After opted in, enhance recommendations via activation of recommendation preferences
Rightsize workloads with artificial intelligence and machine learning-based analytics to:
1 reduce costs (overprovisioned)
2 resolve performance issue (underprovisioned)
A ML-based recommendation service which helps you optimize the performance and costs of your compute resources
- Opt In, it may take up to 24 hours to fully analyze the AWS resources in your account
- Resource analysis
- Resource Configuration
- Utilization data
- Recommendations
- Cross-service Integrations
- S3 (push recommendations to S3 as CSV/JSON)
- Cost Explorer
- Reconfigure Resources
AWS Budgets
Types of Budgets
- Usage Budgets - monitor your usage of one or more usage types or usage type groups
- Usage Type: units that a service uses to measure the usage of a particular type of resource. EC2 -> Hours, Lambda -> Seconds, CW -> Requests
- Usage Type Groups: collect a specific category of usage type filters into a one filter
- EC2 -> EC2:RunningHours
- DynamoDB -> Provisioned Throughput Capacity - Read/Write
- S3 -> S3:Storage - Standard
- RDS -> RDS:Running Hours
- Reservation Budgets - track the utilization or coverage associated with your Reservations for specified services
- Utilization of Reservations = measures unused and under-utilized of Reservations
- Coverage of Reservations = measures how much instance usage is covered by Reservations
- Reservation alerts are supported for EC2, RDS, Redshift, ElastiCache and ElasticSearch
- Cost Budgets - track AWS costs against a specified $ amount
- Filter by Services, Linked Account, Regions, Instance Type, Usage Type, Tag, API Operations, AZ, Purchase option, Billing Entity
- Saving Plans Budgets - track the utilization or coverage associated with your Saving Plans
- Utilization of SP = measures unused and under-utilized SPs
- Coverage of SP = measures how much instance usage is covered by SP
Exam Tips:
- Alerts on current spend or projected spend
- Create budgets using tags as filters
- Allows to plan and set expectations around cloud costs. Create alerts to let users know when they are close to exceeding allotted spend
- Create and Manage Budgets
- Daily, Monthly, Quarterly, Yearly
- Refine your budgets using Filters
- Add Notifications to your budgets (up to 5 alerts x budget with 10 mail subscriber each and/or SNS topic)
- Absolute vs. Percentage of Budgeted Amount Thresholds
- Actual or Forecasted
- Email or SNS Alerts
- Applying an IAM Policy to a user, group, or IAM role - restrict actions IAM entities
- Applying SCP to an OU - restrict the account
- Stop EC2 or RDS Instances
Savings Plan
Savings Plans Types
EC2 Instance Savings stricter, applies only to EC2 instance of a specific instance family in specific regions. Up to 72% savings. Based on the selected region
SageMaker Savings applies to SageMaker instances regardless of instance family or sizing. Any regions and any component. Up to 72% savings
Compute Savings most flexible, applies to any EC2, Lambda or Fargate. Up to 66% savings. Regardless of region, instance family, tenancy and OS
Flexible offerings for pricing on AWS compute usage, similar to RI
Pricing Terms
All Upfront, Partial Upfront, No Upfront
Cost allocation tags
- Cost allocation tags (CATs) used to help track your AWS costs on a detailed level
- Show up as columns in Reports
- User-Defined CATs - tags created, defined, applied to resources by you
- AWS-Generated-CATs - tags created, defined, applied to resources by AWS for supported resources
- To activate a tag as a cost allocation tag:
- AWS Console > Billing Dashboard
- Cost allocation tags
- Activate both user-defined and aws-defined
Only the Management Account in an Organization and standalone Accounts (not members of an Organization) have access to the cost allocation tags manager in the Billing console
AWS License Manager
Key Features
Supports any software based on vCPU, physical cores, sockets and number of machines
Exam Tips:
- Service meant making license management simpler and more efficient
- Keywords:
- AWS-hosted license management
- Hybrid environment license management
- Preventing license abuse
Manage software licenses with different vendors (Microsoft, SAP and Oracle)