Earth Science Final
Why is it important to understand Earth Science?
earth history
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We know the big bang happened, because the edge of space itself has radiation and its always going further and further back so that means that space itself is expanding. With that meaning the only way is through big bang/expansion happening.
I claim that space has multiple things such as stars, solar system and bigbang all these things connect because it all started at one singularity point where the big bang made a planet this happened over and over to make a solar system. and u may be thinkin how stars add up to this. stars are one of the most important things in our galaxy there in the life cycle and can make planets. pluto was supposed to be a star but failed. stars are masses of energy that was the first thing the big bang made .
gaming started when my sister got her first computer and let my play on it when i figured out that i had a new hobby. gaming has always brought happiness and bonding experiences with new people, family and friends
dating rocks
How do stars light up? How do we know OR why does it matter? Stars light up from the burning of hydrogen and helium. to continue, What do stars make? How do we know OR why does it matter? Stars use fusion to make themselves bigger to make new galaxies in the future or black holes and other things. and lastly, how do stars die, they burn up everything then self collapse making a black hole or they supernova.
the solar system
How did the solar system form? How do we know OR why does it matter?
The solar system formed when dust in space combined together to form a bigger version of itself then more and more dust formed and so on and so forth.How is the solar system organized?
The solar system is organized from larger objects are pulling smaller planets around then they keep doing that over and over when this happened some of our planets that we know formed. And what was the earth like when it was younger. we know the earth would eat other things in space making its own mass bigger and we even think some of the moon.
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this image was taken off of space slides in google classroom its showing us whats the space calender
Why is it important for human activities to prioritize sustainability?
I claim its important to prioritize sustainability because we only have one earth and we need to protect it
earth has 4 spheres that work together to progress. These spheres are the biosphere, atmosphere, hydrosphere and geosphere. These spheres make life possible and if we didn't have all of them there would be no life on earth.
human impact is the highest factor that's putting and putting out co2 into the atmosphere. it's a key factor for factories, cars and other things humans make.
rock cycle
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this was a picture of rock layers from this video
plate techtonics
this is what a gaming pc looks like when turned on and fully built
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connection. i've found out that there's a lot more into gaming than the average person might think. it all starts at how you decide to play the game. i play on pc so that means i built my own pc and it takes a lot of patience, skill and just luck. the parts can break easy if my placed right and it take a lot of key compantas to help a single component. then the game itself wont work if it has a bad server or bug in that game. so this is why the 4 sphere and human impact alone connect with gaming this image is a picture of my gaming setup
Rocks can be formed in different ways. We learned some of these ways in page 44 of our notebook. In there it shows different ways rocks form like oceans, rivers and shallow marinas. In the river the movement of water has different effects on the rock. It can make it more jagged if it's in slow water and smoother and angular if it's fast water. Rocks have many conditions of changing. It starts at molten leftovers from a volcano cooling to an igneous rock. Then weathering and erosion makes it sediment, this is many small pieces of rock then it's all connected by pressure and makes sediment rock. Then from there it's mediforechic rock then that melts back to magma and that's the rock cycle
Plates move because in notebook page 29 we learned that they are formed from rock that is lit and floats on top of lava. They move from high pressure and rising heat levels that pushes the plate. Also, We know what happens at plate boundaries from colliding plants that create a bunch of energy. This energy shoots up creating things like hot springs or some things as bad as tsunamis. Continents have changed from pangea to modern day. This has happened from earthquakes and other things such as hot springs. This happens because of the colliding plates making large amounts of energy that shoots up to the crust.
this is a custom built pc
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rocks dating it the way how we can tell the age of the rock. rocks dating can be figured out and many ways one of these ways is rock layer. when you look at the grand cannon we can see line of rocks in different color and size. based on what layer the rocks on we can figure out a lot about it like the age what time period it was from and what the ground was like.
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I claim that its important to know space because in the world its nice to know what your doing and how things happen personally i wouldn't know how much just myself pollutes the earth or how fossils form or fossil fuels happen.
i claim its important to know what your gaming on because when you know what your gaming system can handle it help optimize your gaming. this helps you figure out graphic setting on games so it can run that game at its best without problems.
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this is my dream keyboard without a good keyboard you can have a bad experiance it good to have good eqipmant so you gaming is percise