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Receipt Validation, Free user - Coggle Diagram
Receipt Validation
Two or more Device (Same Account)
Same new app version should present in both device
Purchase plan(Essential/Premium) should be shown active in Device B that that purchase in Device A having same purchase ID
Purchase plan & Sign_in account in Device A should be shown same in Device B after sign_in
User should be able to sign_in same account A in 2 or more device after purchase
User should be able to upgrade purchase plan in Device B that we purchase in device A having same purchase ID
User should be able to upgrade premium plan in Device B having same account of Sign_in
Upgraded plan in device B having effect should be show in device A having same account
Sign_in out should be possible in both device
User should be able to cancel purchase plan in device B that purchased in Device A having same account
Purchase expire notification should be shown in both device
After purchase expire, all plan shown with continue button in both device
User should be able to sign_out in both or any one device after expire purchase
User should be able to Purchase again in Device B that you cancel purchase in Device A
What New(Share as Link) dialog at start of app in home page
How to use video of share as link for user
"Sign_In Require" dialog after What's New
Sign_in with Apple
Sign_in with Google
Sign_In page(Option)
Success page
Setting page
My Upload
Export (share link)
Free user sign_in with their account but cannot use CDS feature
Purchase screen
1.Essential Purchase
Premium Purchase
Essential user cannot user CDS & other feature like Cloud save, My uploads, My fonts, Folders, smart view etc
Premium user can use all pro feature available in app
Both screen(Essential & Premium) shown when you purchase Essential plan
Only Premium screen shown when you purchase Premium
Purchase expire notification shown at device top with app icon
Auto renew dialog shown in apps home page after expire notification
Purchase expire message given in My design & share link view page with Red color text
User can update plan from Essential to Premium
UI of Receipt Validation
(Note : UI should be as per design)
Verify UI of all Essential & Premium screen from all purchase scree option in app
Verify the UI of Auto renew dialog from home page after expire the purchase
Verify UI of Sign in option from all place in app
Success page
My upload
Setting page
Verify the UI of both purchase screen with active plan
Verify the UI of payment expire message from My design or share link view page
Content to verify in UI
(Text, sticker, dialog, text box, button etc)
Feature to verify in UI
(color, size, font, position, design, blur, view, alignment, visibility etc)
Verify the UI of Sign_in account with all option like delete account
Verify the UI of all dialog like switch user, unable to sign _in etc
All other cases
Verify the Receipt validation having sign_in, purchase, sign_out etc with Offline mode
Ans : Internet issue should be shown
Verify by Purchase & sign in same account in 4-5 device
Verify by put app into background & open open again in following process
(sign_in, purchase time, sign_out, renew dialog open, any purchase screen etc)
Verify purchase expire notification 2-3 times in same device (to check this in local server)
Verify by multiple tap on following screen
(purchase screen, sign_in time, sign_out time, on expire message, on auto renew dialog, on restore button etc)
Verify by purchase essential & try to use CDS & share link feature
Verify by delete account before or after expire purchase
Verify by purchase premium from any place of app & try to sign_in from available place in app
Verify by Sign_in from available place in app & try to sign_out from setting page
Delete Account
User should be able to delete account after sign_in
User should be Delete account after purchase premium plan with sign_in
User should be able to delete account after purchase expire but account sign_in
Delete account option should be removed after user sign_in out
Verify by Delete your account & try to sign_in same account before purchase expire
Verify by Delete account & try to sign_in after purchase expire
Verify by Delete account in Device A & try to sign in same account in Device B
Verify by purchase & sign in account in device A & delete same account in device B
Switch User
(Account A : 1st account that we purchase & sign in)
(Account B : 2nd account that we try to switch)
Premium purchase & sign_in should be possible to user having account A at first time
Purchase screen should be shown when try to sign_in Account B , when account A having purchase expire
Message should be shown that , " active plan is linked with account A" when user try to sign_in account B
Here is switch user from Account A to Account B not possible if account A having premium plan but Sign_out
After closing Switch user dialog, user should be able to Sign in Account A
Please check same switch user account for 2 device having different account
Already linked with other user dialog should be shown proper
Two Device(Different Account)
User should be able to Sign_in account B in device B at first time only
User should not be able to sign_in account B in device B if already we sign_in out premium account A
Premium access is linked with other should be shown if user try to sign_in Account B in Device B having Account A logout
Purchase plan in Device A should be shown proper in Device B before sign_in any account
Already linked with other user dialog should be shown proper
All Users Type
Premium user
(User is Sign_in previously)
Both CDS & share link are premium
Essential Bypass user
(User Sign_in with basic plan before we release our business logic of essential & premium)
Both CDS & share link with essential
Free Temp user
(Fresh user not sign_in system yet & have no purchased plan
CDS premium & share link free
Essential None Bypass user
(User has essential plan in previous version but not in current versioni or not sign_in
CDS premium & Share link free
Existing free user i.e. Premium/Essential
(User has Sign_in but his purchase expired
User will use CDS & share link as per his role i.e. Premium or Essential user
Old to New
Premium user
(User is Sign_in/Not Sign_in but Premium plan)
User should shown with active plan & sign_in account in new app version when its sign_in in old
User should shown with active premium plan without sign_in in new app version when its premium purchase in old but not sign_in
Only premium screen shown to user in new app version if its active premium user
User should be able to upgrade their premium plan in new version
User should be able to cancel their premium plan in new app version that purchase in old version
After purchase expire, user should be able to purchase expire notification & message for app
Premium user that sign_in in old version, should be able to sign_in out in new version
User should be able to Purchase again premium plan after purchase expire in new
User should not be able to use CDS after expire purchase in new version even its sign_in
Essential Bypass user
(User Sign_in with basic plan before we release our business logic of essential & premium)
User should be shown active essential plan with sign_in in new version for Essential Bypass user
User should shown Premium screen also but active shown in Essential that purchased in old
User should be able to sign_in out in new app version
User should be able to use all CDS feature even if its Essential plan is active
User should be able to Upgraded their purchase plan
User should be able to cancel the purchase
After cancel the purchase in new app version, all plan should be shown with continue button
User should be work like other Premium user after purchase expire with sign_in
User should be able to Purchase Essential or Purchase plan after expire its Essential plan of old version
User should not be able to use CDS when he/she purchase Again Essential, after expire old essential
User should be able to use all premium feature with CDS, when user purchase premium after expire of essential old plan
Essential None Bypass user
(User has essential plan in previous version but not in current versioni or not sign_in
User should shown with both purchase screen with continue button in new app version
User not able to use CDS feature in new app version because not active essential plan
User should be able to purchase Essential or Premium plan in new app version
User should be able to sign_in after purchase any plan
User should be able to use CDS feature when it purchase premium in new app version
After premium purchase in new version, Purchase expire & notification work same like other premium user of new app version
Existing free user i.e. Premium/Essential
(User has Sign_in but his purchase expired
User should not be able to use any CDS feature in new app version when purchase expire, even its sign_in in old version
User should be able to update from old to new version properly when its purchase expire in old
User should shown with continue button in purchase screen of new app after update old to new
Old user should be able to purchase again in new app version with Essential or Premium plan
Existing free user should be able to Sign_in out in new app version
User should be able to upgrade purchase from Essential to premium
After Essential purchase in new version, user not able to use CDS
After purchase premium in new version, user should able to use CDS
After premium purchase in new version, Purchase expire & notification work same like other premium user of new app version
Delete Schedular Cases
(Note : Local/Live set schedular & webhook from backend)
Scenario to check
(Note : check data in admin portal & preview of content in web)
Verify the that, after purchase expire & delete schedular run, the data from admin portal is delete or not
(Result : All Data should be shown zero after delete schedular)
Verify the delete schedular for new user in new app
(Result : Data should be deleted after schedular run)
Verify the delete schedular for old user in new app(old to new)
(Result : Data deleted for old user in new app after delete schedular run)
Verify delete schedular for old user in old app
(Result : Old user data should not be deleted from admin portal (because schedular applied in new app)
Verify the expire notification before delete schedular in new app
(Result : Expire notification should be shown for app)
Verify the expire notification for old to new user
(Result : Expire notification should be shown in new app for old user after purchase cancel in new)
Verify the data in app after delete schedular
(Result : Data should be remove from device after PTR the page for delete scheular)
Verify the template saved image having preview in web after schedular run
(Result : A. It should be shown error with an sorry message when refresh page for local
B. Shown Access denied code when refresh web page for preview image for live )
Verify the user uploaded image preview in web after delete schedualr
(Result : Error (sorry message) should be shown in local & Access denied code shown in live
Verify the user uploaded font preview in web after delete schedular run
(Result : Error message shown in local & access denied code in live)
Verify from backend that data(image & fonts) deleted or not after delete schedular run
(Result : Data should be deleted from backend)
Verify the folder preview like image & font
(Result : Not available or cannot check like font & image )
Verify by purchase again when purchase expire for premium user
(Result : User should be able to use CDS again & data shown in admin portal)
Verify the user data in admin portal before schedular run
(Result : All added data should be shown in admin portal)
Verify the delete schedular when adding data in 2 device having same account & cancel the purchase
(Result : Data should be delete from admin portal & device also)
Verify the delete account case when delete schedular run
Verify the mails after purchase expire
Content to Check
(Note : Take image & font having resource path from backend to check preview after purchase expire)
Sample Image Original
(Template/Card Saved image)
Added in original directory)
My upload image webp
(User uploaded preview image with webp format)
Shown in webp_thumbnail directory)
My Upload Image
(User uploaded image in My upload)
Shown in original directory
Font Preview Image
(user uploaded font generated preview image)
Uploaded in font_preview_Image directory)
User Images
(Choose Image From Image option at canvas bottom)
Uploaded in resource directory
Font Download
(User uploaded font in my fonts page)
Shown in font directory)
Point to Remember
For checking in local you can set schedular to 5 minute from backend to check quick result of data deletion
You have to take image & font having resource path from backend to check preview after purchase expire
When you start testing for receipt delete schedular then set schedular & webhook from backend
You run Delete schedular after showing expire notification
Every time you have to check data in admin portal & device after run delete schedular
Old user data should not be remove in admin portal in old(live) app when you are checking delete schedular in new app
Redmine issues
Brochure Maker
Upgrade Now should not be shown when user purchase & try to sign_in
Unable to Sign_in should not be shown, when purchase & try to sign_in
Purchase screen title should update once purchase expired
Should show selection on purchased plan immediately after restoring purchase from purchase screen.
Set Payment Expired dialog when home screen load on App startup.
Did not get Payment expired dialog.
Replace "Premium" Text with "PRO" in Payment expired dialog.
Purchase should not be expired when Restore API not call.
Purchase should be display when sign in after expired purchase time till scheduler not run.
Should not be able to access CDS Feature with Essential Purchase.
Should be expired purchase after run scheduler.
Should display Purchase screen same from Payment expired notification & From Payment Expired Dialog.
Payment expire notification should be shown proper for user
Subscription expired notification not get when Update app
Premium is linked with other user dialog should be shown when try to sign_in another account
Should not display Purchase transfer switch while restore or purchase.
Should be allow to sign in user which having from 1.52 version.
Purchase Screen should be shown proper when restore any purchase
Should be sign in Directly after purchase.
Should be Able to Sign In with Apple ID.
User should be able to sign_in multiple device after purchase
Should be able to sign From Home screen dialog.
Payment expire notification should be shown after purchase expire
Poster Maker
Payment expired banner on My link screen should be tappable.
When Premium Purchase has a basic plan subscription and tries to create a link then should show Premium Purchase screen instead of showing basic purchase screen
After successful sign in My Link should update properly.
Should show Scan count on Admin Portal.
"You are pro user" or "Manage subscription" button should not be shown if purchase expire & shown all plan with continue button
Payment expire message should be shown in My design page like brochure maker
Should not not show retry when Purchase expired and try to Create Link.
Share link should be pro to the essential bypass user once purchase expired.
Should not allow to Create link to Existing Free user.
Should show Payment Expired banner on My Design screen once expired the purchase.
Should Not show Unauthorized User Error when opening My Design screen after creating sharelink.
Should not show Payment expired dialog for Free User.
Should show Sign in dialog from Success screen Share Link option.
Should show Sign in Dialog when Tap on Start Creating CAT from My Link Screen.
Basic(essential) purchased user should not able to use all CDS feature
Recipt validation is not working Properly.
Payment expire message should be remove from share link view page, when we purchase from "Renew Now" button
Link preview should be proper while showing Payment expired banner.
Active plan should not be shown in purchase screen, after purchase expire
Purchase expire message should not be shown 2 times in My design
Selected plan should be shown active when we purchase from Auto renew page
6 month active purchase should not be shown in local server when we purchase 1 month (or all purchase plan issue)
One time purchase should not be shown or user should not be able to sign_in if purchase shown in_active in local server
Restore purchase should work properly.
Single Device(New app version)
After Premium purchase & Sign_in
User should be able to Sign_out properly
After sign_out, premium screen should be shown with given active plan
User should be able to cancel the purchase with or without sign_in
After purchase period completed, purchase expire notification shown on device top
After Successful premium purchase & sign_in, user should be able to use all premium plan
After tap on expire notification, app should be open with auto renew dialog at home page
After purchase expire, auto renew dialog should be shown at home page of app when user open app again
Auto renew dialog not shown when user use app or app is open at time of expire purchase
Only premium purchase screen should be shown when tap on Renew button from Auto renew dialog
User should be able to purchase premium plan from Auto renew dialog
Premium plan purchased from auto renew should be shown in active button when check in purchase screen of app
After close auto renew dialog, purchase expire message(red color text) should be shown in My design
Purchase expire message(red color text) should be shown in share link preview page
User should be able to see their data(design, folder,font, image etc) after purchase expire)
User should not be able to use CDS after purchase expire (e.g. not able to upload new design or create folder)
User should able to purchase from expire message option from My design or from share link preview page
After purchase expire, user should able to sign_out account
After purchase expire & sign_out, both purchase screen (Essential & Premium) should be shown with continue button
Free user
Free user cannot use CDS feature after sign_in but can use share link
Free user should be able to Sign_in their account from any place
Both essential & premium screen should be shown for free user when go to purchase screen
What's new & sign_in dialog should be shown for free user at home page
Both screen should be shown if user purchase Essential plan
Only Premium screen should be shown if user purchase Premium plan
User should be able to purchase any plan of Essential or Premium
After Essential purchase & Sign_in, User not able to use CDS
After successful purchase of Premium, user should be able to Sign_in their account
After purchase premium & sign_in, user should be able to use all premium feature with CDS