Energy and its transformation

N on-conventional electric power plant


Energy sources

Conventional electric power plant

Industrial uses: operation of factories and construction companies, agriculture, etc.

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Domestic uses: operation of electrical appliances, heating.

Fossil fuels: systems made up of natural fuels, hot water systems, heat for cooling and for means of transport.

Transport and distribution of electrical energy

Electric power plants

Elec.tnc power plants are usually located far from the points where energy is used for reasons of safety, space needs or physical conditions and
geographical considerations.

Decreasing the voltage at the electncity substations to 3-30 kV

Increasing the voltage to 220000 V or 400000 V to prevent significant energy loss, due to the Joule effect.

Tr a nsporting it by high voltage cable~ attached to towers

D istnbution to homes, offices, industnes and public faolities Dunng this srage, the voltage is reduced to 230-400 V.

Electncal power plants use an external source of energy to pmduce
electncity To do this, they rely on a turbine-alternator system.

An alternator has a fixed part, called a stator, and a moving part,
called a rotor, connected to the turbine shaft

The turbine converts mechanical energy into the rotating movement
of a shaf

Electricity is the most widely used form of energy in industrialised where
socieues for two reasons:

I t can be easily transformed into other forms of energy, such as
light and heat

• It can be transported long distances inexpensively and with very
httle energy being lost

Hydroelectric power plants

Nuclear power plants

Fossil fuel thermal power plants

This type of plant tm.ludes a nuclear fission reactor that the
pressunsed steam needed to move the turbme rotor.

In this type of power plant, water is heated in a boiler using heat.
Generated from the combustion of a fossil fuel, usually natural gas or coal. The steam generated moves the turbine connected to the generator.

Effect that is generated as a result of two combined cycles, a cycle that uses air and gas, and a conventional thermal cycle. In the first cycle, a gas turbine that includes a compressor is used.

Ocean power plants

Biomass thermal power plants

Geothermal power plants

Solar power plants

Wind power plants and wind farms