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Feminism and the family - Coggle Diagram
Feminism and the family
Paid work - Gender pay gap (14.9%), glass ceiling
Sexuality - women's and girls' sexuality is limited, language differences between men and women
Domestic labour - housework, caring responsibilities, favoured towards men
Media - promotes ideological image of men and women, men represented in positions of power, women are sexualised or shown in caring / nurturing role
Liberal feminism
Argue that there have been some change (Marital Rape Act, Equal Pay Act, Divorce Reform Act), but we still have a long way to go
Canalisation - children are channelled toward their expected gender (through toys, activities)
Manipulation - children are manipulated through language and encouragement towards their expected gender (strong boy, pretty princess)
Argues that over the last 50 years, women have more opportunities to work, due to feminisation of the workplace and gender quake
Feminisation of the workplace - women occupying roles that used to be male dominated (dentists, doctors, and female dominated professions (teaching)
Gender quake - gender is changing, no longer assigning traditional masculine roles into positions in work (police)
Analysis (AO3)
Equal Pay Act exists, but median hourly pay for all employees was 15.4% less for women than men in 2020
Eurocentric - may be legal changes and March of Progress, but minority women are still being exploited
Evaluation (AO3)
Female representation - number of female MPs is at an all time high, but is only 35%, but still shows progress
Although there are female MPs, parliament still favours men - some female MPs do not care about women's rights (Margaret Thatcher promoted traditional nuclear family)
Argue that the main cause of female oppression in the family is capitalism (oppression serves capitalism)
Women absorb anger - domestic violence, anger from capitalism (men are exploited at work)
Ansley - 'women are takers of shit', soak up frustration that their husbands suffer at work
Delphy and Leonard - women act as a safety valve to soothe tension in family, preventing simmering class conflict
Evaluation (AO3)
However ignores the idea of more women working today, being breadwinners (matrifocal families)
Radical feminism
Family and marriage are the key institutions in patriarchal society (DV, sexual subordination, domestic labour)
Political lesbianism - idea that heterosexual relationships are inevitably oppressive as it involves 'sleeping with the enemy'
Matrilocal households - Greer argues for the creation of all female households as an alternative to the heterosexual family (societal system where a married couple reside with or near the wife's parents)
Sommerville (AO3)
Control over fertility (IVF, the pill, freezing eggs), so can focus on career
Difference feminism
Lesbian and heterosexual women, white and black women, M/C and W/C women, have very different experiences of the family from one another
Amos and Parmar - ethnicity has a massive impact on family life, so experience of women in family is different
Dallos and Sapsford - family is a positive institution, especially for black families as it acts as a barrier and protection against racist, white society
Black feminism
Patricia Hill Collins
Legislation protects women's rights, but isn't applied with the same rigour to all groups, so doesn't acknowledge black women experiencing different reality
Legislation disguises subtle inequalities, so it seems as though inequality is the fault of the oppressed groups
Black and white women experience patriarchy differently - black women are seen as matriarchs, sexually promiscuous and welfare abusing, whereas white women are seen as pillars of the home with respectable sexuality
As a result of black women being oppressed by both men and non-black people, they are forced to occupy the lowest section of the economy
For example, in care or cleaning jobs