IDEO Shopping Cart Redesign Project

Team Composition at IDEO

Diverse group of designers, experts and professionlas

Emphasis on innovation process

IDEO Innovation Culture

No Titles

Hierarchy is impratical

IDEO Mantra of Innovation

One conversation at a time

Be focus and attentive

Defer judgements

Build on other's idea

Trial and Error Refinement and Approach

Enlightened trial-and-error

Emphasis on learning from mistakes

Art of Prototyping and Designs

Combining the best elements from various prototypes

Fail often in order to succeed sooner

Transparency among Team

Positive feedback with room for improvement

Open-minded approach to suggestions

Final Design for Shopping Cart

Sideway movements

Provide hooks for hanging bags

Cost calculator included in shopping cart

Baskets are placed and removable from the cart

Learnings from Design Process

Teamwork, innovation process , and an open mind are crucial

Chaos can be constructive in the creative process