Cryptosporidium parvum

MORPHOLOGY 1000018408




LIFE CYCLE 1000018409


Case on humans were repoted by the year 1976

Oppurtunistic infections and secondary infections may occur

1st reported by Tizer in 1907 on mouse

Epithelial layer of intestine

4 to 5µm in diameter

Got double walled cyst coverings

Only cyst form

Inside it has cresent shaped sporozoites

Transmitted through contaminated food and water

1 cyst - 4 sporozoites

Respiratory cryptoporosis, cholecystis, hepatitis, pancreatitis

Infection of gall bladder, ooscyst passed through stool.

In cheonic conditions, immuno compromised may get prolonged cholera like illness

In acute conditions causes normal diarrhoeaand recover in 2 to 3 days

Immunofluorescrnt antibody

Sputum examination

Acid fast staining

Histopathological examination

Direct wet mount

Molecular examination

Stool examination