Cryptosporidium parvum


  • Only one form - cyst known as Oocyst.
  • Oval or spherical in shape.
  • Double wall cyst covering - 2 electron dense layer.
  • Inside cyst, 4 crescent shaped sporozoites.
  • Infective form.

Life cycle

Asexual cycle

Sexual cycle

Oocyst enter into human through contaminated food and water.

Oocyst attaches to the epithelial layer of intestine.

By gastric juices the cyst wall is broken down.

Thus sporozoite are released.

Attach to the epithelial layer and undergo excystation

Cyst converted to trophozoite.

Multiplication of trophozoite

Meronts develop inside trophozoite

First formed meront - type 1 meront

  • It release 8 merozoites either it again infects the intestinal epithelium or form type 2 meronts.

Type 2 meronts release 4 merozoites

4 merozoites form micro and macrogamont

*1microgamont release 12 to 16 microgametes

  • 1macrogamont release only 1 macrogamete

Fertilization of micro and macrogamont

Zygote - oocyst

  • Thick walled (double layered ) (80%)- released through faecal samples
  • Thin walled (single layered ) (2%) - autoinfection



Immunocompetatnt - short term, self limiting diarrhea

Immunodeficient - symptomatic intestinal and respiratory cryotosporidiosis

Immunocompromised - prolonged, life threatening, cholera- like illness

Gastrointestinal diseases, respiratory Cryptosoridiosis, cholecystis

Lab test

Wet mount - electron layers are observed

Concentration techniques : * zinc sulfate floatation

  • Formalin ether sedimentation

Modified Acid fast staining

Immunofluorescent antibody

Sputum examination

Molecular examination

  • PCR


  • Immumocompetent - treatment to prevent dehydration
  • Individuals recieving immunosuppressant drugs - cessation of immunosuppressants.
  • AIDS or congenital deficiency - continuous supportive therapy.
  • Antimicrobial agents - spiramycin, azithromycin
