After the turtles finally arrived to the party, they find many mutants friends. There was Bebop, Rocksteady, The mutanimals (except Old Hob for his distaste for the turtles) Venus, Alopex, Jennika, Fugitoid and Leatherhead. April also told them that she invited Wingnut as well but for some reason he didnt come. After some interaction between the mutants and the turtles they talk about the presents they were going to trade between them, these presents were put in the christmas tree they made themselves
Just then the lights went out and when they came back the presents and dinner were now gone, this made some mutants starting to blame and argue each other, suddenly in the news from the TV they were watching were saying that some families presents and christmas food were gone and stolen by a strange masked man with wings that was calling himself the anti santa
The turtles decided to catch that so called Anti Santa and save christmas not only for the mutants but also for New York. Donnie began doing researches of that anti santa, he made some analysis of the houses he comes to steal using his tracking devices from the footprints the anti calus left. They decided to make a plan once they found out where the anti claus was gonna steal next
The turtles hide on the house's roof waiting for the anti claus to appear, once the anti claus finally came and was about to steal the turtles ambushed him and try to unmask him but the anti claus and his servant were fighting back. The brawl then continue on the backyard of the house making a kid peak from the window, which made the turtles and the anti claus to freeze and slowly got out from the house while Raph was saying you didnt see anything
After they got out of the house they continue with their fighting with Mikey finally being able to unmask the anti claus and the elf servant before they could be able to escape finding out it was none other than Wingnut and his sidekick Screwloose
They began questioning both of them while they were tied and Wingnut told them that he was stealing christmas just because he wasnt invited to the mutant party and decided to get revenge on those having a christmas party by stealing his presents and food saying if I cant have a party nobody will.
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