4 main types of telescopes
Refractor (uses lenses)
Newton Reflector (uses mirrors)
Maksutov-Cassegrain (uses a spherical creation lens)
Schmidt cassegrain (uses a complex correction lens)
Spherical mirrors are cheap to make but they don't focus
2 main mounts: Alt-AZ and Equatorial mount
The Great Equatorial 28" refractor
Refractor means 2 lenses
At the Royal Observatory Greenwich and was built in 1893
7th largest refractor in the world
Large telescopes
The large binocular telescopes in Arizona
The Very large telescope in Chili
The VLT uses interferometry - 4 telescopes working together
Adaptive Optics
Used to combat blaring and distortions caused by the moving atmosphere
Flexible mirrors cancel out atmospheric distortions
Use laser guide stars to look at way laser is bent to know which way to bend the mirrors
European Extremely Large Telescope: being built in Chili, is 39 metres