IV- Trochlear nerves: M
-fibers from dorsal midbrain enter orbits via superior orbital fissures to innervate superior oblique muscle
-Primarily motor nerve that directs eyeball
V- trigeminal nerves: S
-Largest of these nerves, from pons to face
-(3 divisions) Ophthalmic, passes through superior orbital fissure, Maxillary,passes through foramen rotundum, Mandibular, passes through foramen ovale
-convey sensory impulses from areas of face, supply motor fibers for mastication
VI- Abducens: M
-from inferior pons, enter orbit via superior orbital fissures
-innervates lateral rectus muscle
VII- Facial: S
-fibers from pons travel to lateral aspect of face
-chief motor nerves of face, have five major branches
-M functions: facial expression, parasympathetic impulse to lacrimal and salivary glands
-s functions: taste from anterior two-thirds of tongue
VIII- Vestibulococlear: S
-Afferent fibers from hearing receptors (cochlear division), and equillibrium receptors (vestibular division) pass from inner ear and travel to enter the brain stem and pons-medulla border
-Mostly sensory function, small motor component for adjustment of sensitivity of reveptors
(was a auditory nerve)
IX- Glossopharyneal nerves
-fibers from medulla that leave the skull and run to the throat
-M functions: innervate part of tongue and pharynx for swallowing and provide parasympathetic fibers to parotid salivary glands.
-S functions: fibers conduct tate and general sensory impulses from pharynx and posterior tongue, impulses from carotid chemoreceptors and baroreceptors
X- Vagues
-only type of these nerves that extend beyond head and neck region
-fibers from medulla exit skull via jugular foramen
-most M fobers= parasympathetic that help regulate activities of heart, lungs and abdominal viscera
-S fibers: carry impulses from thoracic and abdominal viscera, barroreceptors, chemoreceptors and taste buds (posterior tongue and pharynx) .
-formed from ventral roolets from C1 to C5 region of spinal cord not brain
-rootlets pass through cranium via each foramen magnum
-exit skull via jugular foramina to innervate trapezius and sternoclenomastoid muscles
(were spinal cord accessory nerve)
XII- Hypoglossal
-Fibers from medulla exit skull via hypoglossal canal
-Innervate extrinsic and intrinsic muscles of tongue which contribute to swallowing and speech