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MSc Enhanced Professional Practice - Work based learning, Academic…
MSc Enhanced Professional Practice - Work based learning
SHGM94 How the evidence base can help you change your practice
Structure of the evidence submission needs to be accurate - including front sheet details and order of academic work - reference list before appendices, use of sub headings helpful in literature review
Importance of use of literature in all elements of evidence produced not the literature review
More clarity of evaluation of the literature needed in SBAR to make it academic
Use of CAS helpful to further develop academic writing and criticality
Include more detail by further evaluation and explanation to provide clarity, with reference to the implication for conclusions in relation to my work to demonstrate changes within my clinical practice
Developed skills in performing a structured literature search and use of formal evaluation tool to critique published research and understand its relevance to my role
Updated understanding of the role of neurological testing and the evidence behind it will enable me to undertake evidence informed practice, and also support my peers to do the same in their clinical practice e.g use of pin prick sensation testing in clinically inconclusive cases
Review of different research methods used enabled better understanding of the relevance of type of study in relation to my area of clinical interest and suggests looking into 'N of 1' studies may provide a good way to understand my area of clinical practice
More detail of the use of SBAR and its academic use will enable me to fully realise its potential as a method to demonstrate learning and implications for my practice
Increased skills and confidence in critical analysis of literature to enable evaluation of published evidence relevant to my area of practice
SHGM90 Starting your professional development
Wide reading demonstrated around the subject by performing academic searches and use of web pages and video resources
Some understanding of academic writing using Canvas, CAS and library learning resources
Increased understanding of how to generate evidence of academic learning by using different formats eg mind maps, SWOT analysis
More personal critical analysis needed when looking as evidence and how it applies to my professional practice from module feedback and marking matrix
More depth in criticality when producing narrative to demonstrate clarity of thought when evaluating my learning from the module
Referring to learning outcomes in narrative to demonstrate my learning and how I achieved it, and potential impact on future practice
Importance of confidentiality when producing evidence to avoid identification of individuals - initial submission failed due to inclusion of employing organisation
More detail needed of the way I have synthesised the information read and why I drew conclusions
Identified and evaluated 4 models of reflection used clinically which enabled my to better understand the value of reflection for learning and its benefits, options available for me to use and improve my skills in learning from clinical experience
Opportunity to consider and identify all opportunities available to me in my job to optimise my learning and growth
When producing evidence it is also important to demonstrate why a method has been chosen to submit the information
Increased awareness of the importance of reflection in development and learning however exploring different models, and possibly not using a structured model most helpful for me
The use of learning contracts and benefits for adult learning
Appreciation of my role and actions in learning for service development in addition to personal development
SHGM93 Assessing your current practice
Also need to consider multiple literature sources when evaluating the evidence including government sources
Importance of keeping to accurate word count to ensure skill in evaluating evidence and including most salient evidence
Further work needed to produce academic structure to paragraphs in order to provide clarity and logical arguments to the reader
Ensure accurate and complete referencing to support the text written - some errors produced in the critical essay
Some grammatical errors specifically in the use of hyphens
Front sheet needed with details as described to provide submission evidence
Importance of re-reading text to minimise typo errors
Accuracy and use of contemporaneous evidence referencing important to ensure academic accuracy
Further criticality needed when discussing evidence rather than description
Increased understanding of PREMs in healthcare practice enabled me to critically analyse the CARE measure and understand it's benefits and shortcomings, particularly for my personal learning
Opportunity for me to consider the importance of therapeutic alliance and its value when working clinically
Personal evaluation of how to maximise therapeutic alliance and consider barriers within NHS working environment
Enabled a critical analysis of the way patient experience of the service I work in is evaluated and to recognise shortcomings for me personally and for the MSK service
SHGM95 How I can make a change in practice
Need to provide further clarity of my thought processes to demonstrate understanding of literature and embedding into my practice
Paragraphs need to be clearer containing one central theme in order to clarify a central argument and evaluate points raised
Change in clinical practice is complex and consideration of behavioural theories in addition to models of change, communication and leadership style
Use of the CAS to review referencing errors and how to cite direct quotees
Further development of critical evaluation of the evidence to answer the 'so what' question, specifically to consider the implications for me and my practice
Multi-faceted training materials and case discussion may help support colleagues in learning and changing clinical practice line with the evidence
Change in behaviour of professionals is effective when self directed as opposed to enforcement externally
Leadership style and communication skills are also important factors to consider to facilitate change, further exploration for me in my role will also be helpful
Increased awareness of organisation change models to use when considering supporting change within my area of clinical practice
Academic Learning
Personal and Professional learning
Personal and Professional learning
Academic Learning
Academic Learning
Personal and Professional learning
Personal and Professional learning
Academic Learning