Biome of Arctic tundra Adaptions of Emperor Penguins (Vertebrate)
Origin of Vertebrates - Deuterostomia
First arose in oceans
Chordates ancestor all the way to Tetrpods and Amniotes
Tiktaalik Fossil
evidence of inbetween fish and tetrapod
Having both eyes and a neck along with scales and fins
Neoproterozoic Era
Emperor Penguin
Paleozoic Era
More recent era – Mesozoic and Cenozoic Era
Number of traits like Notochord among other qualities that evolved, like limbs and digits, along with Amniotic eggs
Arctic Tundra
only found in the Antarcita
Youngest biome, about 10,00 years ago
Includes the Northern Hemisphere, from ice caps of the North Pole
Severe weather, with snowfall for nine months out of the year
Cambrian explosion , rapid diversification of animals and some extinction due to changes in atmosphere
Summer months plant exposed to sunlight
Have many adaptations to survive harsh conditions of the Arctic tundra
To stop heat loss, they have two layers of feather and sorter beaks and flippers
These birds were able to fly thousands of years ago, but they have since evolved, and now they utilize their fins to help them swim rather than fly.
Have feathers on legs to keep ankles warm
Another adaptation, their feet have fats that keep them from freezing, and their claws allow them to firmly grip the ice
Amniotes make up mammals and replies
Have extra embryonic membranes
Includes characteristics like scales made up of keratin, lays eggs on land, internal fertilization, and are considered cold blooded
Group of Amphibia Reptilia include birds and reptiles
includes yolk sac, chorion, allantois, amnion
Females use fins to dive and search for food, while Male incubate the eggs balanced between feet
Between May and June Females lay egg
earliest known bird is Archaeopteryx, distance ancestor or penguin
Fossil recovered from Antarctic Peninsula
Mega penguin another ancestor of emperor penguin
Only surface layer of the soil is able to thaw about midsummer, layer of frozen soil that grows before permafrost
Females search for food in ocean because the ground is frozen