Unit 1 matter substances and properties

Level 1 substances & properties

Matter is everything that has mass and volume.

unit 1

: Things that don’t have mass and volume are not matte


has - mass

has - volume

mass - the amount of matter substance volume - the amount of space something needs.

water it is matter

volume = width x length x height

lesson 2 state of matter


as we heat a solid, it’s particles vibrate more and more quickly the solid expands.

Eventually, the particles shake so much that they begin to break free each other the solid melting. it turns into a liquid

If we carry on heating, the particles in the liquid move around more quickly. Some particles at the surface have enough energy to escape as a gas

Heating and cooling

lesson 3 properties of substances



Has mass

Made of particles

click to edit

Has volume

The 8 properties of Matter

lesson 4 classification of matter

Chemical properties and physical properties

Chemical properties- the molecular structure of a substance chemical change creates a new substance.

Physical properties - can be observed or measured without changing the chemical composition