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(Neural development)
Basic Approach
moral status determines ethics of abortion
moral status is not all or nothing
stages of fetal development
From egg: 6 weeks before electrical brain activity/ less than a shrimp no different than bread dead
Week 8-10 reflex movement (environment interaction)
12-16 weeks frontal pole forms/ becomes neocortex
week 13 movement occurs/cant feel; sea slug status; no purposeful movement
2015: 91.1% abortions occur before this time
13-17 weeks: synapse(brain function) start occuring; week 28 formation
7.6% occur before week 21; 1.3% occur after week 21
week 23: earliest fetus can survive outside womb (huge medical support)
until 32 weeks: cannot regulate breathing nor body temp
not certain but evidence suggest fetus spend 95-100% life up to 34w unconscious (REM & non-REM)
50% mortality rate first couple months; survived = 20-50% of those have severe physical/mental disabilities
not develop disability= 6m NICU care: $10k a day
micro premie: prior to 27w; less than 1kg (2.2lbs)
Cost of abortion
13-20w: $850-3000+
21w+: minimum 8000
12w: no insurance = $350-1650 (mean of $535)
3rd trimester (27w+): minimum $10k cash, usually $25k; not include cost of travel (4 in US) (procedure: up to 4d)
Embryo/ Fetus/ Human
problematic consequences: metaphysical: what is a soul/ theological: religious viewpoint
logical structure: video game conscious (wrong to kill them), not wrong to kill video characters must deny they are conscious
far back to development process
What is a fetus/embryo / what category does it fit in
Modus tollens: truth preserving = premise true = conclusion true (in buffalo, have to be in NY)
Soul = potentially rational thinking thing
4 aspects
substance: entity that endures across time and change (survives change)
immaterial: no spatial extension or location (cant find the soul)
potential: natural tendency toward becoming rational (leave fish eggs alone = becomes fish)
individual: one thing/simple (not complex/cannot split in two)
Descartes: soul thinking thing (conscious and rational) / cant be correct
What has a soul?
impossible to prove (can be a fact of the matter) (murder is wrong)
Biological basics
at 5 days: embryo forms into blastocyst (sprout capsule: cell shell); can become placenta; embryo reaches implantation site
after implantation: become placenta/ inner cells differentiating; become certain parts of body
first 5 days post fertilization: blastomeres undifferentiated; any cell could be human (sprout part)
Ovum fertilized= zygote; cell division = embryo
before implantation: changeable (fusion & fission) can occur
fission: blastocyst splits in two/ each form own fetus (twins)
fusion: two blastocysts become one (single fetus)
fission can happen then fuse midway = chimaera (two sets of dna)
Material Composition (Puzzles)
diachronic unity: single thing across time lose or gain different parts and remain the same thing (ship)
synchronic unity = one complex single thing (collection of bricks compose one house)
Souls & Synchronic unity
cells are same entity because same soul
Shoemaker: ensouled =human being, there must be a thing
Duane: parts didnt compose anything, pile of bricks = pile
conception-5d: blastocyst stage; outer: placenta; inner:fetus
embryo? inner cells = soul?
Souls & Diachronic Unity
shoemaker: is incorrect, adam hitting himself
Twinning: one egg -> two distinct embryos; adam (fission) splits in two now what?; 1. adam both; 2. adam does not survive (two more souls not adam); 3. adam is one and another soul; 4. adam was 2 souls all along
incorrect, adam cant be human in two spots; why would god do that? (just to die in 5d)
maybe, violates soul come into being at conception; which adam which new soul?
again at conception, implies one entity can have more than 1 soul; biological stuff is right now connected to more than 1 soul
Primary (embryo (blastocyte) human being?)
ensoulment by God = human being (Cancer human not growth)
religious view: pre-implantation embryo is human being (already has a soul by God moment of fertilization)
pre-implantation blastocyte out and culture = stem cells
destroys blastocyst (if believe human then whatever destroys blastocyst is morally significant) birth control not destroy (prevent)
Fusion cases
1 & 1: what about those aborted
dont mock God; no good view; either no souls until fission/fusion done, exactly as many souls needed at conception
both souls gone, god new soul: wasteful
2 souls 1 body: which one free will?