I have prepared interview questions that approaches the topic from multiple perspectives, including that of an ally and that of a member of a marginalized group. I did this because I have heard Ms. Ravan talk about her experiences about being discriminated as an Iranian immigrant in the US, and the struggle she went through which came along with the discrimination. Thus I am pretty positive that she will have some interesting stories to share as a member of a minority group. However, she has also shared about her experiences with friends from a variety of backgrounds, and when you are in a friend group like that, you inevitably has to deal with issues regarding allyship and discrimination, so I am also interested in learning her views on being an ally and her experience with it. Additionally, Ms. Ravan has lived in a lot of different countries where she was the minority, so I believe she would be able to share her experience with the treatment she got from different communities, and how those contributed to her understanding of allyship.