La lenta avanzata alleata in Italia
Linea Gustav, una linea fortificata che ostacolava l’avanzata degli angloamericani
Operation Shingle
gli alleati tentarono un sbarco sul litorale laziale
Stavano vincendo, ma poi hanno perso
Battaglia di Cassino
tentativo di sfondamento della Linea Gustav
guerra di posizione
L'Operazione Diadem permise agli alleati di superare le difese tedesche
Dal confine tra Lazio e Campania, fino a Ortona
Cassino era la città centralle della linea
La liberazione di Roma e il governo Bonomi
Dopo lo sblocco dello stato militare, la 5 armata degli alleati arrivò a roma
La presa di Roma fu una svolta politica e Militare
Badoglio rassegnò le dimissioni
E arrivò Bonomi
D-Day: Operation Overlord
Rome was liberated from the Nazi on June 4th
Operation Overlord
Great Britain tricked Germany and made them think they were landing north France
allies landed on 5 French beaches
Germany wasn't able to hold the allies back
Operation Dragoon
second invasion from the Mediterranean
southern coast
Lead to the libaration of Paris
Italia: l’estate delle stragi, l’ultimo inverno di guerra
dopo la linea Gustav è stata formata la Linea Gotica
costruita dai tedeschi
dalla zona a Sud di Viareggio fino a Rimini
Nel appennino Kesselring sperimentò: “guerra ai civili”
azione di terrorismo per distruggere qualsiasi collaborazione del popolo con i partigiani.
L’attività della Repubblica Sociale Italiana5
Mussolini ha cercato di sviluppare una amministrazione al Nord
limitata dalla presenza tedesca
Partito Fascista Repubblicano
Che puntava a fomentare la guerra civile a punire i traditori
War in the Pacific
Japan suffered the American counteroffensive
U.S. suffered many losses and casualties
In the end of 1944, the U.S. started to bomb Japanese territory
The final Allied offensive and Germany’s surrender
German troops on the Eastern front collapsed
Yalta Conference
Roosevelt, Stalin and Churchill
In the conference they defined the postwar reorganization of Germany and the territory division
split Germany in 4 (France, Great Britain, USA and USSR)
demilitarisation and denazification of Germany
nazi war criminals were put on trial and leaders were executed
United Nations was created
L’offensiva di primavera in Italia8
arrivarono rifornimenti in Italia
Partigiani continuarono a combattere i tedeschi che si stavano ritirando
Mussilini fugge in Svizzera ma viene riconosciuto e fucilato
The Potsdam Conference
In Germany
attended by former Vice President of the USA
it was decided that:
Germany and Austria had to be divided into four zones
German annexations in Europe were to be reversed
Nazi laws would be abolished
Nazi Party members who had public positions and opposed the allies postwar had to be removed from office
To demilitarise Germany
German educatioal system had to teach democratic ideas
there could be democratic parties in Germany
Freedoms of speech and religion were to be respected
German industrial war potential was to be destroyed (industries)
The end of the war in the Pacific
goal was to seize control of the closest islands to the Japanese archipelago
Japanese weren't surrendering
Harry Truman decided to drop the atomic bomb over Japan
(Atomic Bomb) "Project Manhattan”, led by Oppenheimer
August 15th Jappan surrendered,