Eco-friendly plan (David Xie)
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Limitation on logging
Cutting down the need for products related to wood like paper. Alternative solution would technology.
Raising awareness on the importance of the Amazon.
Increasing governmental control
Trying to be eco-friendly when using the resources. Example, relying on manual practices instead of machinery
Concerning issues
Infrastructure projects
Being mindful of the location
of the projects
Building only importance projects
Examples; focusing on main roads only
and hospital for the tribes in the Amazon
Control human activities
Development of technology capable of
fighting fires from the air.
Notable problems
Agricultural expansion
Specifying parts of the land that can be used for farming
Educating people on how important the Amazon is
Climate change
Invasive species
Using clean energy instead of burning more fossil fuels
Expanding afforestation activity
Prohibiting the importation of foreign animals that can't be adapted to the Amazon
Monitor the invasion of other animals and catch them