
Act 1


Scene 1

Scene 2

Scene 3

bernardo, fancos, horatio, ghost witness- late king hamlet, horatio skeptical, tries to communicate, there was a confirmation as to how similar the ghost looked to late hamlet - good backstory, audiences are intrigued, denmark's current state of unrest

Scene 1

shoveling out a grave for Opehlia- should she be buried in the churchyard since her death looks like suicide? suicide may not receive Christian burial. claudius, laertes, gradues, at funeral, grief, they fight. claudius reassures laertes of the revenge. man's mortality. hamlet before king's death - warm, funny, thoughtful. after - implusive, impetuous, reactive

Scne 2


Scene 1


Scene 3

Gretude tells Claudias that Hamlet has gone mad and murdered Polonius compares the madness and wild power of the wind and the sea

Transition from the last scene (Gertude) hysterial and in terror. but in this act she is with claudius and reporting the events with emotional control

Claudius concens about damage control - he suggest that he and gertude find their wiset friends to instruct. why? claudius is trying to prevent hamlet's crime from staining their reputations = claudius = polonious

rosencrants and giuldensen find hamlet, asks where polonius' body is. hamlet then refuses to tell, agrees on coming along to the king with them buts sprints away.

Shakesperara uses short scenes- fast-moving, keep the pace of the play exciting

hamlet plays his madness + plays with their frustration. disappointment

He sounds confident in his decisions. less of thoughts but more of action

Claudius sets an intention to send Hamlet to England

Hamlet being asked where the body is, he responds in riddles but gets tired himself of the game

Claudius hands in Rosencrants guildensen a sealed orders call for hamlet's death

Audiences are introduced to Claudiu's rationale for sending hamlet away - he is desparately trying to regain control.

Act 2

Sanity vs Madness

Final moment claudius talks to himself, admits that hamlet's presence is driving him mad because he feels like he is losing his power - decides to execute hamlet.

Scene 4

Rosen, Guilden and Hamlet head towards the ship to the england near the Elsinore castle

hamlet witnesses fortinbra and his army, on their way to poland

He makes a comparison - sees Fortinbra as somebody in the similar position as his father was also killed.

Scene 4

scene 5

King Claudius' coronation, marriage to gertude. fortinbra - king of norway - hamlet is depressed, convinces him to stay in denmark - reveals despair - sorrow, shock, upset, inappropriate . foratio,.... they all inform about the ghost - a lot of information - hamlet feels betrayed. must shut his mouth

Laerta's leaves to france, tells ophelia its not a good idea to be in a relationship with hamlet. polonius and ophelia talks about hamlet - forbids her to see hamlet. laertes - caring brother, polite,practical, well-traveled. Ophelia - young, inexperienced - audience see hamlet from a different lens. polonius talks to their children in political/diplomatic manner - showcasing social customs and hierarchy of denmark

Hamlet, Marcellesa t castle. claudius had been drinking partying. hamlet concerns about denmark's reputation. then hamlet witnesses the late king's ghost, follows the ghost. claudius - drunk, why celebrate his dead brother? hamlet's distance and negative view on claudius vs devotion to his father tension-filled moment. depth of hamlet's sadness v madness - real or pretended?

follows the ghost, suggest the murder. claudius poisoned the late hamlet. convinces hamlet to take a revenge, but not to hurt his mother. solioguy, sorrow, overwhemled. he tells horatio, marcellus in secrecy, hamlet's duty to commitment. - ghost, present, action - king hamlet - catalyst, pivotal element of madness or revenge- simple drama to story of revenge. hamlet and fortinbras, - prince, dead fathers

Scene 1

polonius send his servent to laertes money - how does he act abroad? then ophelia runs into polonius - hamlet has showed up. hamlet is confused, (probs about the whole revenge thing) but polonius assumes that hamlet to be mad with lust for ophelia. polonius gets skepcital and doubts - truth v deception. poloniud damages laerte's reputation. ophelia is forced to appear uninterested. polonius being decitful person

Scene 2

claudius fires two of the soliders to find out why hamlet is acting strangely. polonius tells the king, that he assumes hamlet going made because of ophelia's love conspire the meeting between. play murder of gonzago - hamlet rants for the lack of actions. use of spies. theater trouple - play within play. message to claudius - indirectly

Act 3

Scene 1

Scene 2

Scene 3

Scene 4

Elsinore castle, hamlet tells horatio the paper ordering hamlet's death. hamlet and laertes are invited to a friendly dual. asks for his forgivness. claudius poisons drink, hamlet declines, gradeus drinks it, and dies. laertes reveals claudius were in charge, hamlet stabs claudius and forces him to drink the poisonies drink. horatio comforts hamlet, but then he dies, the scene is left with horatio and fortinbra and ambassadors.

king&queen asks the spies- they have nothing really to tell but about the performance/acting. - claudius attempts to test wheter its ophelia driving him mad. "To be, or not to be?" ophelia and hamlet encounter - he denies he ever loved her. "get thee to a nunnery" the king, queen, polonius are shocked. Claudius feels threat, plans him to send back to englnad. spies - not truthful. claudius vs polonius = testing, not truthful.

coaches the actors - hurrying the player. wants to catch claudis offguard. hamlet observes claudius's reactions. claudius leaves. hamlet asks the theatre trop to - art mimicking reality. wants to catch claudius with guilt - mad man. blurred image v reality hamlet reaffirms his duty/commitment to revenge

claudius tells the spies to send him to england. polonius spies on hamlet and gertude. - claudius wants to be perdoned but does not want to lose positions. hamlet attempts to kill but hesitates - killing claudius and prayer arent the best idea.. inability to act - excuse. claudius - scheming, villanious, guilty power > innergoodness

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polonius instructs gretude to speech - what to say when hamlet arrives. while polonius hides and gretude screams for help, hamlet stabs polonius from the tapestry and accidently murders polonius. both are hysterical -hamlet and gretude rage - ghost replies, hamlet to get back to his tasks. gretude does not hear and assumes hamlet has gone mad. hamlet confronts his mother about her hiring the spies to send him off to england. climax? hamlet rages to his mother but the ghost tells hamlet to leave her alone. ghost clams hamlet down. Gertrude still believes claudius over hamlet

Scene 5

ophelia and Gertude speech - ophelia is in disturbing behaviour. laere's willing to take a revenge on murder of polonius. Claudius promises Laertes that he will give his crown if they find that the king/queen at their falut. power dynamics? ophelia has lost her mind

Scene 6

letter to horatio - ship to england were taken over they pirates - sudden turn of events - returned to denmark. boldness, hamlet balances action and thoughts

Scene 7

claudius reveals that hamlet has killed polonius - laertes and claudius plans for revenge - poison. ophelia has drowned. action - certinty, collision. claudius convinces his innocence.