In Huang's article on Urban Street Design, mentions that the evaluation of Shashen Road needs significant improvements in several aspects, such as walking infrastructure, cycling lanes, public transport facilities, and the livability of the streets. Addressing these are important for enhancing road safety and decreasing fatality rates among teenagers, as it can create a more pedestrian- and road friendly environment while ensuring public transportation options and reducing the likelihood of accidents. Given this, they believed that complete streets would be the solution to their problems and they apply it.
In terms of analysis, this piece demonstrates an example of how the complete streets technique worked in a real place. This technique made things safer and gave a wide-spread of more opportunities/ space on the road. Supports my research because it shows that the complete streets design did work to help make the streets on Shashen Road, which leads to yes- complete streets would decrease fatality rates for new drivers- as it overall improves safety.
In "Complete Streets, Prioritizing Safety for All Road Users:" they use California as an example of implementing the compete streets technique. Complete Streets: Prioritizing Safety for All “Our complete streets work is imperative to ensuring safe, accessible, connected transportation options for all Californians." Meaning that this was designed to help Californians on the road, and it did.