04 October 2017 Body corporate sign an agreement with Strictly body corporate

Units purchase agreement between Albany trust company limited and Yann & Sabrina dated 16 May 2017

Unit seller Albany Trust Company Ltd (5720167) Shareholder 100% & Director Rob Dean Neil

Safari Hire Limited Director and Shareholder 100% Rob Neil

According to Vallant and Hooker translation, the vendor (Albany Trust Cie Represented by Rob Neil) The seller entered into a contract to transfer their interests in the Ramada franchise lease to Crown Group LIMITED." Dated 16 May 2017

Safari construction Limited Rob Neil

Crown Group Limited Shareholders Sajad Bassam & Kazem Bassam) Shareholding Marsden Group Limited

Marsden Group Limited (Hotel Managenent services)
Directors: Kazem Bassam Tabar
Sajad Bassam Tabar
Levin Da Costa
Michael Francis Osborne

Projet conjoint Safari: Rob Neil and Marsden Group ( Director Sajad Bassam).

Vendent Ramada avec lease en place Publicite mensongere rent review every 5 year

Conflict of interest in representing owners at the body corporate

https://www.nzherald.co.nz/business/500m-of-new-apartments-hotels-developed-and-planned-by-safari-group/P4S2TEP6WZDRA6LI4XCXSUCY5A/''The business has formed alliances with the two international hotel chains, which operate the properties under leases.''

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https://www.opespartners.co.nz/developers/reviews/safari-group '' Safari puts in place, unbiased, professinal Body Corporate Manager for your peace of Mind'',

Misleading ads

Domaine NZ Exclusively and only sells Safari projects, managed by Marsden Group. Can not protect his client's best interests, too involved with Safari and Marsden

Property sale

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Capture d’écran 2023-11-24 à 12.10.02 PM

Safari sponsorship promoting Ramada

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Ramada Manager Jacqui Cheal Marsden Group ( under the supervision of its director Sajad Bassam).

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Strictly Body corporate too involved with Marsden and Safari to act in owner's best interest.

Capture d’écran 2023-11-24 à 12.35.57 PM

The bigger it is, the more it gets through !!!

safari group striclty body corporate

safari group striclty body corporate