Task 1B: Informing an Audience (Quality Education)

1. My audience



My audience will be the Powys and possibly the Welsh government. This is because they are directly responsible for the funding that our school recieves, and only they can truly change the situation, even though they have failed to do so and take action in the past.

2. The Message to my Audience: Ideas

I want to inform my audience about the importance of quality education in Britain, and why we should prioritise support in key subjects such as English and mathematics.

Another idea is teaching gratitude for quality education to lower year groups, such as year 7 and 8. In this presentation, I could teach children how they should be grateful for the education they receive, as not many children around the world get access to it.

I could also write letters to Powys or the Welsh government about the lack of funding for our school, as we are the worst-funded in Powys, whilst using gathered statistics and facts to support my argument.

SWOT analysis of each idea:

MEMBERS OF GOVERNMENT - STRENGTHS: this audience can easily influence funding and the future of Crickhowell High School, and they are also easy to write to/contact. They often take suggestions off the public, too. WEAKNESSES: the government may not be willing to make changes to the funding for reasons that could be out of my control, making my letter pointless. OPPORTUNITIES: the opportunities presented with this audience includes the opportunity to actually change funding for our school, and possibly take on our advice to other schools to increase funding for them too, which further achieves the quality education goal. THREATS: one threat with this audience is that it could be ignored by those in the government, as they most likely receive many letters every day. In order to combat this, I will aim to make my letter as persuasive as possible to convince the government to take action.

TEACHERS - STRENGTHS: teachers are also interested in getting more equal funding for our school, so they should gladly support me and may even push my letter on to more senior members of staff/schools/educational organisations, who can influence the future of funding for our school. WEAKNESSES: some teachers may not have time to help me implement my ideas, or they may not support my propositions for whatever reasons. This could greatly put my project at risk. OPPORTUNITIES: the opportunities associated with this audience include pushing our message on to more senior members of staff and government. However, if I were to just send this letter straight to the government, it would avoid the hastle of getting it to them via teachers, making my presentation more efficient and effective. THREATS: the threats of presenting to this audience includes the possibility of the teachers not being able to actually take any further action for getting better funding. This is why I want to send my letter straight to the government instead, as previously mentioned.

STUDENTS - STRENGTHS: The choices that the government make with allocating funding to our school directly impact the students here, and their ability to achieve high grades in their subjects. Therefore, theoretically, they should care the most about the funding their school receives, so they should show a lot of interest in it. WEAKNESSES: Despite this, a letter would probably not be the best way to inform students on this matter. I would probably have to do some kind of presentation to a few year groups at a time instead, which would take a lot more time and could potentially be inefficient. OPPORTUNITIES: the opportunities that are presented in this audience include strength in numbers - this is because the government would be more likely to listen if a large group of students demanded equal funding for a school, rather than just me or a few teachers. THREATS: the threats from informing this audience include the students not being interested in funding, as some of them may not even enjoy coming to school in the first place. Therefore, they might not take anything in, so my presentation or letter would be useless.

Powys govenors/Members of the Senedd/other Welsh government officials.

3. The Purpose

the purpose of my letter is to inform Powys on the importance of equal funding for our school, as this is the medium through which I have decided to present my message.

In order to convey this message, I will research facts and statistics related to funding for our school, and compare them to funding for other schools in Powys and around the country, to form a convincing and successful argument to the government.

Through this letter, I aim to raise awareness of the lack of funding for Crickhowell High School to the government of Powys, so that all students here can be provided with quality education, sporting events and trips relevant to their chosen fields of study to enhance their learning.

4. Including Information from Sources

UK gov 2018, Education Policy:* "Improvements in public financial management and taxation will be vital to ensuring adequate domestic resources for education, setting education systems on a sustainable footing. Where there is no national leadership to turn things around, we will look beyond stagnant public sectors, instead promoting improved transparency, accountability and coalitions seeking better education and investing through alternative channels which deliver for poor and marginalised children".

Here is a list of all the facts and statistics I have gathered from the sources in my research review.

Statista.com: average salary for a university graduate (UK):* "University graduates in England had an average annual salary of 38,500 British pounds a year in 2022, 11,500 pounds higher than the average salary for non-graduates. People with postgraduate degrees earned an even higher average salary at 45,000 pounds, a difference of 6,500 pounds when compared with those with only undergraduate degrees".

UN Chronicle: "Around the world, 258 million, or 17 per cent of the world’s children, adolescents and youth, are out of school. The proportion is much larger in developing countries: 31 per cent in sub-Saharan Africa and 21 per cent in Central Asia, vs. 3 per cent in Europe and North America".

UNESCO, what you need to know about global citizenship education: "Unlike citizenship – special rights, privileges and responsibilities related to "belonging" to a particular nation/state, the global citizenship concept is based on the idea we are connected not just with one country but with a broader global community. So, by positively contributing to it, we can also influence change on regional, national and local levels. Global citizens don't have a special passport or official title, nor do they need to travel to other countries or speak different languages to become one. It's more about the mindset and actual actions that a person takes daily. A global citizen understands how the world works, values differences in people, and works with others to find solutions to challenges too big for any one nation".

5. Choice of Delivery

I have chosen to write a letter via email, as opposed to a PowerPoint presentation or Canva presentation.

This is because my writing skills have always been a strength of mine, and I feel as if I can easily convey my message through writing instead of presenting/speaking.

6. Choice of Language

In order to be persuasive, I also need to make my letter succinct, straight to the point and easy to read. I will achieve this by reviewing what I've written, and showing it to my peers, to see if they can easily read it, and also whether or not they find it persuasive and informative. I will action the feedback and criticisms they give me to improve my letter, and I will repeat this process multiple times to ensure that the letter is the best it can possibly be.

In my letter, I will use a formal tone and persuasive language to go along with it. I will be using the formal tone because it is to the governing body of Powys, so I need to create a good first impression. I will also exercise my writing and persuasive skills in the letter, by using techniques such as hyperboles, alliteration and emotive language to emphasise my points.

I will also include facts and statistics from sources gathered in my research review, that relate to the UN goal of quality education.

I have chosen to use these sources/facts because they are highly persuasive, valid and are relevant to my letter's goal/aim. These are the main facts I could find from my Task 1a Research Review that were relevant to this presentation.

Powys school budgets and finance 2022-2023: Crickhowell High School only receives £4270 of the budget share for their school from 2022-23, whereas Ysgol Calon Cymru receives £5397.