Ancient Rome
Society was divided - Patricians (rich) - Plebeians (poor).
Patricians lives in Domus - Plebeians lived in an Insula.
Festivals - Saturnalia - important part of the year.
Rich could eat exotic food - The poor relied on grain.
Rome conquered most of Europe.
Entertainment - gladiator fights in the amphitheatre - chariot racing in the circus.
Roman army mad up of units called legions.
Rome's legacy includes today's calendar
Soldier used - Pilum (javelin) - Gladius (short sword)
Centre of the city - forum - Republican government run from the Senate until 27 BCE
Romans had water supplied to the cities via an aqueduct.
Rome governed by emperor from 27 BCE till 476 CE.
The language Latin - which developed modern languages.
Roman law influences the development of European law.
Christianity - Rome remains centre of church.
Negative impacts include: Genocide, slavery, militarism.
Roman architecture - buildings
Patriarchal society.
For Women - no equality, no equal rights.
Father was the head of family.
Roman God: Jupiter, Mars, Venus, Juno.....
Rooms in Domus: Atrium, Impluvium, cubiculum, peristyle.
Decorated with frescoes and mosaics.
Julius Caesar** Most famous Roman general.
Roman Empire overthrown 476 CE