(Me) Armando de los Santos Cerda

Born in Saltillo, Coahuila

(Great Great Grandmother) Unknown

(Great Grandfather) Armando de los Santos Bustos - Melchor Múzquiz, Coahuila

(Great Grandmother) Juana Arellano Gonzales - Concha de Loro, Zacatecas

(Maternal Grandmother) María Minerva Elizabeth Flores Arellano - Saltillo, Coahuila

(Paternal Grandfather) Armando de los Santos Flores - Melchor Múzquiz, Coahuila

(Great Grandfather) Juan Cerda Moreno - Zacatecas

(Maternal Grandfather) Luis Cerda López - Zacatecas

(Father) Armando de los Santos Delgado - Melchor Múzquiz, Coahuila

(Great Great Grandmother) Unknown

(Great Grandmother) Dora Diamantina Wong Guerrero - Palaú, Coahuila

Meaning of the name De Los Santos:
Spanish: Literally 'of the saints', a common element of personal names, originally denoting a child born or baptized on All Saints' Day.

Meaning of the name Cerda:

  1. Spanish and Portuguese:. From bristle, 'hair' (late Lat. Cirra), apparently a nickname for a person with a prominent tuft of hair. One of the sons of King Alfonso X (from 1221-1284) was known as Fernando de la Cerda.

  2. Catalan (Cerdà): regional name, cerdà, for someone from La Cerdanya, a district in the Catalan Pyrenees that is currently located partly in Spain and partly in France.

(Paternal Grandmother) María del Rosario Delgado Wong - Melchor Múzquiz, Coahuila

(Great Grandfather) Agustín Delgado Vázquez - Palaú, Coahuila

(Great Grandmother) María Eulalia López Guadiana - Zacatecas

(Great Grandfather) Ramón Flores Carrillo - Saltillo, Coahuila

(Mother) Maribel Cerda Flores -Saltillo, Coahuila

(Great Grandmother) Margarita Flores Ibarra - Melchor Múzquiz, Coahuila

(Great Great Grandfather) Yoshi Wong - China

(Great Great Grandfather) José Isabel Arellano - Concha de Loro, Zacatecas
