Can classify as internally and externally focused
We need to see the mechanisms to manage the cost and other things
Consider the audiences we're targeting, collaborating with different networks
Start with connecting the field then inspiring practice... go from building identity and connections and mutual support as a global community... then we go to inspiring practice... then we say we need to strengthen our voice with everything we've built so far... then optimizing CIRN
Capacity building is core! Both internal and external. What could be the role of businesses in building capacity? Responsible members of the community rather than members outside of the community. Building bridges.
Have an analysis or reason on the internal needs. Think of the needs of the community and provide context that could be a workshop or method. Have a concrete element to show an advantage to being a part of the group.
Stepping stone level. Create stepping stones via CIRN that could be referenced or used in formal publications. Consider publishing and the types of journals. What journals are attractive? What about ranking? This can be related to cost.
Benefits of CIRN was not fully clear right now. How can people use it in the future? It can be clear after attending the CIRN conference but before it isn't clear.
Besides people who work on information, there are others that work with community but still we can connect those fields with information. We don't know how they're working. If there's any platform or anything where they can share or we can share how we work when we say what CIRN is (i.e., our activities, contribution for the community)... if we share it in any other way, could be a video, blog post, anything... We need to reach them and the broader audience. We need to make the connection with them. How can we reach the "non-usual suspects?"
More substantial outputs for attending CIRN (i.e., blog posts). If we have more outputs that can be visibly seen and shared with universities, that could improve the potential for us receiving funding and having universities give it more attention. This is the third mission of universities. The idea of engaging with the community. The output that provides the community visibility.
How do we use CI to change policies? Institutionalize public engagement... engaged activities that build trust that can facilitate engage scholarship that is co-creation of knowledge that counts equally for promotion as journals.
Should we include justice? Collective ownership?
Practice may be a loaded word.
Do we want to reorder the strategic directions? 1) Connecting the power to CI field, 2) Inspiring practice, 3) Strengthen global voice, 4) Optimizing the network
How can different communities communicate with each other? Platform to learn from each other in a more horizontal way... We should phrase this in some way!
Impact toward policy maker... how far do we want to go in terms of advocacy issues? If we think that advocy is something we should consider or if we want to be more neutral?
Advocacy --> impact toward policy makers may need to be there. Being able to write a position is a type of advocacy. Individual members can do our own thing and work in our own countries rather than being an advocacy/activist organization. Doing activism through research. This goes well beyond participatory and into stronger, political positions. It's a process for the advocacy or a project for the advocacy. We can in terms of processes.
We should bring our message to a starting point then bring it to communities and make it real for them. If we look back at what was started in the early 2000s in the CIRN network, CI framing, the people who are inspired by that -- we see generations from work being done.
Inspiring professionals in CI. Education has been at the forefront. There may be something we can do regarding mentoring from experiences. We should think of ways to formalize this.
Open eduational resources framework uses an international creative commons licensing option for people to license in different ways. There's different ways to store these resources. They become available to everyone and anyone. Anyone can take it. Anyone can translate it. How can we work with different organizations to get funding to pay for people to do some of the translations? Thinking through how we can use resources as sources for translation.
We can't do everything. We have to do one thing. Having opportunities to have it translated by members, our mission at least. Think of doing things through the indigenous network. Indigenous south issues. Start on a concrete level.
Young, new people in CI need this information. We need to know who's working, how we can do collaboration, and we need to know other institutions. If there is a platform to where we can access and retrieve this information, then we use it and build connections and share our thoughts. We can learn who is responsible for these different networks. These connections can help us connect with others. Do we need membership? Other organizations can be a part of this, and they can join our conference and share their stories and how they can collaborate with us to extend the network with individuals and beyond us.
iConference is a good potential partner. It's going broader in terms of discipline. It seems multi-disciplinary. Something like an iSchool collaboration would be useful. iSchool/iConference has gone virtual. This allows more people to participate.
Last year, there was a climate coalitiation formed within the iSchool. They needed the physical space to initiate that. It has a multidisciplinary focus. People are coming together. They're working on globally important issues from different disciplinary backgrounds. People are learning from each other.
Only thing about the iSchool is that it would largely remain as an academic conference. How we want to see CIRN in the future we don't want to remain as just a platform of academics. We're talking about practitioners. Talking about how we can bring more practitioners to create interest for them. We need to create a place for them. CIRN has an opportunity to bring people from other backgrounds.
There are university-led conferences that are trying to attract practitioners and industry. The kinds of activities that they are doing are around workshops and tutorials that would be useful for practitioners.
In terms of CIRN, a point that's come through is we're hybrid and informal. These are real strengths.
It's up to the young researchers to engineer things to do activities that we feel is important. In terms of funding, we're going to go after cost funding for specific actions. It's complex and will take months. Assuming the other funding comes through, we will be able to take up the other things we want to do. What's important for CIRN is to decide upon what a couple of key focuses on in the next year -- actions, establish a team of people who are prepared to invest time into it.
Targeting conferences, proposing panels that have clear labels that they're visible. Make an effort to have a panel with a label. Showing that we exist and we have good things. It's a way to have increased visibility.
We can create groups to establish visibility such as those on ResearchGate. We may not know who's doing what or we're doing the same thing without realizing it.
Thinking about hosting through different universities the proceedings. It's hard to have the resources or ability to host the system.
We could have a time index YouTube stream available during the conference.
We need regular, ongoing funding to manage all of these things.
We need to write a position paper. What's enough for a first document? Helping to categorizing the when into sub-categories may be helpful.
We should try to get something out in three months at the latest. Something to be reviewed at the end of 2023 to be published at the end of 2024. We'll open it up to anyone who wants to add to it, and they'll have their name added to it. Lead authors and contributing authors.
Within 3 months, we submit it to the Journal of Community Informatics. We should also think about publishing in a more general outlet. Information Matters? It's more general. Is there an opportunity to have a condensed version in something like ACM?
First point of the when -- something written. Longer or shorter version comes first? Journal with a broader audience?
We may want to bring one or two components with this in conversation with our peers/colleagues. Are ther ways to have short segments that we can have immediate use of while we continue to work on drafting different aspects some of which may give us feedback that said if it'd be helpful to clarify any piece. We're working to speak to this full audience to those who are implementing CI. We're doing it from our perspective who were here for the past three days. Will this make sense to those who haven't been here the past 3 days?
1) draft, 2) feedback, 3) near-final draft in December for final comment, 4) final approaches in the end of December, 5) submit it to wherever we're going and whichever versions if we want to publish by the end of January
By this afternoon, let's aim to have a list from our ideas. We should have a few people on each of the possible tasks and try to work and establish this.
One is the writing of this which is a collaborative thing.
To get a couple people who are younger who are willing to become a part of a working group to discuss more issues.
For Khalid and Misita to think of the Monash role (and Aldo). Next week, Larry will talk to Matteo to advise us about the cost application and then a separate online meeting will have to be arranged.
Consider the cost task too. Which may take months to do.
Looking at resources and trying to understand how to use them.
How many hours are we asked to commit to? Depends on the task... It's not the amount of work but the quality.