[Functions of management:
Planning-: is used to achieve the objectives of an organisation. It is crucial for a manager to establish strategic objectives and plan to achieve them.
.When planning, managers must pre-empt and be pro-active by paying attention to a wide range of variables that could impact the successful execution of their plans.
It is common for managers to have alternatives should any pre-empted factors present themselves in the future so they are able to adapat effeciently.
Factors managers need to consider:
External factors- economic climate, time of the year, location of the business.
Internal factors- Cashflow, staff availability, and limitations of resources.
Multifit gyms does not plan effeciently such as no syste put in placd to support the success of new activities and to budget for them.
The purpose of organising is to ensure the right people are in the right place, at the right time, with the right resoruces, to execute their job effectively and achieve the organisations objectives.
This involves, organising staff rotas and schedules, budgets and resources to support the achievement of objectives.
During the organisation stage, it is common to consider team's and individuals employee's competence, aptiitude, and levels of motivation into the account prior to making a decision to ensure the right people are in the right place.
Multifit gyms does not organise their employees effeciently traning and development available but no one used these oppurtunities, leading to lack of training a nd lack of available skilled workers to run popular classes.
Once plans are executed, resources organised and team members have been co-ordinated, it is crucial that the manager closely monitors the progress made against orginal plans, budgets and targets.
This includes monitoring resource usage such as stock levels, the variance between what the business planned to spend against what it has spent or the income from sales againts the targets.
monitoring team and individual performance against specific targets. For example, the duty manager of an electronics retail store would typically minotor the amount of sales the individual employee and team as a whole has made in comparison to their respective targets.
controliing- during the monitoring stage the manager should eveluate where progress is being made against original plans, budgets and targets. Once the manager has this information it is crucial that they control the various elements to ensure the objectives of the business are achieved.
This includes controlling the resources of the business such as budgetery spend, it is also includes controlling the team to ensure individuals are performing and any poor performance or behvaiours are dealt with before they negatively impact the progress towards the achievement of the business objectives.
Multifit gyms organises weekly meetings to discuss performance, however, this is seen as social events and no one is ever made responsible for missed profit targets or if customers decline.
once progress towards the business objectives has been closely monitored and controlled, the manager is required to delegate tasks, responsibilities, and roles to their team to support achievement of business objectives.
Often managers are delegated tasks from their own managers but shouldn't do everything themselves, which is not feasible and can lead to failure of achieving objectives.
They must place trust in their team and delegate some of these onto individuals and the team according to experience,skills, and capabalities.
Where as Local gym gives instructions and expects employees to complete withou any question and does not delegate tasks effectively.