The Human Body

Circulatory System


carry food, oxygen , waste substances



Blood vessels


Pump blood

When heart muscles contract, you feel heartbeat

Blood carries food particles, oxygen and waste products (carbon dioxide)




Connect arteries and veins

Thick elastic muscular wall

Carry blood rich with food and oxygen from heart to body

Thin elastic muscular wall

Carry carbon dioxide from body to heart

Circulatory system of other animals




2 chambered heart

3 chambered heart

4 chambered heart

artery- carry blood from heart to body

vein- carry blood from lungs

Heartbeat and Pulse

The more active you are, the more often your heart beats to supply oxygen and food particles from the blood

can count heartbeat by counting pulse. Pulse caused by pressure

Respiratory System

Parts of respiratory system

Lungs and Breathing

nose, lungs, windpipe and diaphragm muscle

We use lungs to breathe in and breathe out

Lungs are protected by ribs

Breathing in

Air enters the body through mouth and nose

Air goes down the windpipe and into the lungs

The ribs moves upwards and outwards

Chest gets bigger and filled with air

Diaphragm muscle contracts and moves downwards

Breathing out

Diaphragm muscles relaxes and moves upwards

Chest gets smaller and is pushed out of the lungs

The ribs moves downwards and inwards

Air from the lungs moves up the windpipe

Air leaves the body through the nose or mouth

The number of times we breathe in and out in 1 minute is called breathing rate

Our breathing rate change depending how much oxygen our bodies need

Forces and electricity

Mass and Weight



amount of matter in an object

kilograms (kg) or grams (g)

Measuring scale

Force of attraction on an object caused by gravity

Newton (N)


How does gravity affect weight?

Wherever you go the mass is the same

Wherever you go, the weight is not the same

Smaller the force of gravity, the lower your weight will be

Moon's gravitational force is smaller than Earth's gravitational force. Why?

The effect of forces

make an object move

slow down a moving object

stop a moving object

change the direction a moving object

change the shape of an object

Force digrams

Floating and sinking

Forces acting on objects

weight due to the force of gravity


Causes water to be displaced or pushed out of the way

How do we know whether an object will float or sink?

If mass of the object is less than or equal to the mass of water displaced by upthrust, the object will float

If the mass of the object is greater than the mass of water displaced by upthrust, the object will sink

Force diagram arrow

How the shape of an object affects floating and sinking

The larger the surface of the container in contact with the water, the more likely the objects inside the container is to float

An object of a certain mass that has a small, compact shape will sink. An object of the same mass with a larger, flatter shape will float

Circuit diagrams

Conventional symbols

The strength of electricity is measured in units called volts (V)

The strength of electricity that a component needs for it to work is called the voltage

Types of circuit

Series circuit

Parallel circuit

A circuit which has only 1 electric current path

A circuit which has more than 1 electric current path

Each pathway receives the full circuit voltage

If the switch is open, the circuit is broken. So, lamps, buzzers will not work

The full strength of battery goes to each lamp/buzzer

Electricity need to be shared between the lamps/buzzers