with the necessary character traits and skills for a preschool teacher

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Personality is a person's abilities and tendencies. Therefore, a kindergarten teacher must have a personality that will help him fulfill the tasks assigned by his profession.

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The essential characteristics of such a person include:

mental balance;

ease of establishing contacts with children;

tact and sensitivity;

ability to reflect;

honesty in relations with children and parents;

the ability to understand a child not only by ear.

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Honesty, conscientiousness, justice, objectivity.

These are the qualities that pupils value most in a teacher. When considering these qualities, it is necessary to proceed from an understanding of the essence of the concepts "conscience" and "honor". Conscience is a category of ethics that characterizes a person's ability to exercise control over his own activities, to give an objective assessment of his actions. V.O. Sukhomlynskyi called the conscience its own judge, the never-sleeping guardian of deeds and reason. "Conscience is unthinkable without the constant accumulation in the subconscious of information about noble human behavior: love for people, desire for mutual help, disgust and impatience for violence against people, duty to the collective and society, intolerance of idleness, laziness, wastefulness, deep respect for the elderly , compassion for the weak. Conscience obeys consciousness, reason obeys "the king in the head", as folk wisdom says.

Only conscience is an internal controller of one's own activity, a measure of responsibility for one's actions. Conscience stands in the same row as the word conscience, which means a sense of awareness of moral responsibility for one's behavior and actions before oneself and society. "Conscience," noted V.O. Sukhomlynskyi, "is, figuratively speaking, an emotional guardian of convictions."

Honor is a category of ethics that characterizes a person from the position of readiness to defend and support the dignity and reputation of his person or the community to which he belongs. Among the people, the concept of honor acts as an important criterion for the moral perfection of an individual. Therefore, young people are reminded: "Take care of new clothes, and honor of youth."

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Endurance, restraint, patience.

A teacher cannot do without these traits. After all, every day he has to communicate with children who do not yet have sufficient social experience, do not always act in accordance with established rules and norms, and are prone to mischief. Children from an early age seek to communicate with their peers, older people. But they do not have properly formed skills and behavioral skills, the level of self-esteem is not sufficiently developed. Therefore, it is natural that from time to time they have violations and mistakes in their relationships with other people. This is a normal state of events. A teacher should always restrain himself, not be in a hurry to make rash decisions, especially in a state of affect. It is necessary to patiently and persistently work on the formation of appropriate skills and behavioral skills in students.

Education is a rather long process, and the result of efforts does not appear quickly. Therefore, a teacher cannot do without patience, without hopes for the effectiveness of his actions in the future.

Comprehensive development.

Children are inclined to actively learn about the surrounding reality, they want to get answers to many questions. And first of all, they expect satisfaction of their cognitive interests from parents and teachers. Since the majority of parents do not have proper pedagogical training, the teacher has to help students consciously learn about the world of nature and social relations, unknown to them, every day. Therefore, in addition to in-depth knowledge of his academic discipline, a teacher must possess a certain range of knowledge from other diverse fields. And this is achieved only by daily hard work.

The requirements for the personality of a preschool teacher are based on the principles of the Constitution of Ukraine, the Convention on the Rights of the Child, the Laws of Ukraine "On Childhood Protection", "On Education", "On Preschool Education", the Basic Component of Preschool Education and other regulatory documents. They state that a pedagogical worker should be a person with high moral qualities, who has an appropriate pedagogical education, an appropriate level of professional training, carries out pedagogical activities, ensures the effectiveness and quality of his work, whose physical and mental state of health allows him to perform she has professional duties in preschool education institutions. A preschool teacher is obliged to be a bright, unique personality, a bearer of universal values, deep and diverse knowledge, high culture, and strive to embody the human ideal.

The educator must clearly know and be aware of his professional functions. Here are the main ones:

Educational (didactic, educational). A preschool teacher conveys knowledge (information) to children, and the more knowledgeable he is, the better they will learn science. Today, when the volume of knowledge is constantly increasing (it is impossible to grasp it by one person), the vision of the didactic function has changed. The main thing was not the transfer of knowledge, but the formation of the child's ability and readiness for independent cognitive activity, acquiring life competence. The teacher recedes into the background, performing the functions of a director, giving children the opportunity to show independence in decision-making, skill, reactivity of thinking.

Developmental Its essence is to create favorable conditions for revealing the child's creative potential, self-disclosure, self-affirmation, self-realization through play activities, creativity, and ensuring the democratic foundations of the educational process. A preschool teacher needs a certain methodical flexibility, a creative approach in creating conditions for the maximum improvement of children. Noticing abilities in a child, he should not only support the sprouts of future endeavors, but also convince the parents to develop the child.

Educative Being an educator means being able to transform the goals set by society for education into specific pedagogical tasks - the formation of necessary personal qualities. This function is related to the development of the spiritual sphere of the individual and consists in ensuring that universal human values become the guides of the child's consciousness and behavior. This function is implemented through the development and implementation of the content of education and training, the selection of new forms and methods for the formation of a child's attitude to nature, the environment, other people and himself, interest and culture of knowledge.

The personal qualities of the educator have professional significance, the presence of which significantly affects the result of pedagogical activity. Their diverse combination characterizes the competence and skill of the teacher. The level of organization of the educational process, the achievement of high results in education and upbringing of children depend primarily on how the preschool teacher forms the goal and tasks of his work, which he considers to be a priority, which he himself as a person.

Modern preschool education needs an innovative, competent, creative, masterful teacher. He must be able to take into account and respond to the situation of social changes and educational innovations in a timely manner. The success of pedagogical activity depends on the educator's awareness of the practical significance of innovations in the preschool education system not only on a professional level, but also on a personal level.