So, we've all heard prayers such as the Hail Mary, the Our Father, and more. but what do they even mean? How does this even connect with the holy spirit or our faith? Well, we connect with our Father through the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit helps us feel more connected to Jesus and God. Through Bible stories as well, You see the Holy Spirit working through the people in the Bible stories. You also see the holy spirit in people praying the rosary, or just saying grace in general. You see the Holy Spirit in people attending church, to learn about scripture, to pray, to sing, and to be joyful. A wise person once said: "If you don't eat until Sunday, you will starve...this isn't about food."-unknown. This is because if you don't pray, or attend church until Sunday, your faith will weaken, and you will struggle spiritually. You must practice scripture, pray, and sometimes read the bible to strive spiritually.