Players are divided into realms which are servers of 20k players. They need to choose an identity such as elves, dwarfs, orcs and warriors, etc. They also need to choose between the opposing fractions of Alliance (minority: consists of human, dwarfs, etc.) or Horde (majority: consists of orcs, goblins, etc.)
The different characters creates different playing experiences. For eg. players can only communicate within their factions. The main goal is to increase the characters power and wealth by different means such as quests (more than 5k).
The quests are usually adventures that involves multiple tasks like killing a creature or gathering certain resources. These quest shape the gaming experience in different ways:
A. Reward the player for completing a quests (in the form of items, points or in game money)
B. Helps the user to discover the massive world and interact with NPCs
C. Increases interactions between players of the online community as some quests needs the players to play in group
One important aspect of socialization in this game are the guilds, which are named groups that play together. They make grouping easier the overall gaming experience much more rich and entertaining
WoW also provides its own economic system where players can exchange their product of work with valuables in the markets (i.e auction houses or reciprocity inside Guilds)
Despite the presence of markets, the major economic acitvity inside the game is not exchanging but production. For eg, players can design and create objects from scratch to use it for personal use or even exchange it.