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UR a bountry hunter by th name of john west in the wild west tracking…
UR a bountry hunter by th name of john west in the wild west tracking Marcos Smith
Or should I go to the where I guess he is
in tombstone a random farmer person tells you that there was A sighting of Marcos Smith to the east
You trust him and then go to where he said but when you ask the locals they said that they've never even heard of Marcos. The farmer was bribed by Marcos
You trust nobody let alone a random farmer
while searching the area for any tracks you hear a loud bam Marcos Smith is robbing the bank you run over and try to get inside but can't get inside because the doors are locked. you see his horse parked outside. do you harm the innocent animal to make sure Marcos doesn't get away or do you find another way?
you'll sacrefice anything and shoot the horse. neigh the horse yelps as it's life end. what do you do next do you climb up the nerest build so you can snipe marcos or do you confront him at the door
sniping is for cowards and you a badass aim your pistol at the door ready to shoot him on the spot. bam Marcos was on the roof the the whole time. you were shot in the guts you look down at your body and there is a huge hole in it. not so badass now huh?
Sniping is the way to go you climb up the building you see Marcos mourning his horse your about to shoot but then is it worth it you'll get 1,000 bucks for him alive or 500 bucks for him dead do you shoot him or threaten him
nah it doesn't matter 500 is better than nothing you pull the trigger. Bam flop goes his body he falls onto his horse his blood mixing with the horses blood. you get down and pull his still warm body onto you horse and you ride into the sunset passerbys shocked.
Freeze you yell at him I will shoot "ok ok I submit" he says he drops his gun you get down still aiming for his brain. turn around you order him. then you realise his hand is metal what is that not his hand he's holding a knife argh you shout he stabs you and spills your gut but in your last moment of life, you shoot out his brains. you're both dead.
you don't want to harm the animal it's done nothing to you. what do you do next do you climb up the nerest build so you can snipe marcos or do you confront him at the door
Sniping is the way to go you climb up the building you see Marcos saddling up his horse your about to shoot but then is it worth it you'll get 1,000 bucks for him alive or 500 bucks for him dead do you shoot him or threaten him
nah it doesn't matter 500 is better than nothing you pull the trigger. Bam flop goes his body he falls onto the sandy ground his blood turns into a puddle. you get down and pull his still warm body onto you horse and you ride into the sunset passerbys shocked.
Freeze you yell at him I will shoot "ok ok I submit" he says he drops his gun you get down still aiming for his brain. turn around you order him. then you realise his hand is metal what is that not his hand he's holding a knife argh you shout he stabs you and spills your gut but in your last moment of life, you shoot out his brains. you're both dead.
sniping is for cowards and you a badass aim your pistol at the door ready to shoot him on the spot. bam Marcos was on the roof the the whole time. you were shot in the guts you look down at your body and there is a huge hole in it. not so badass now huh?
Should I track him which may take longer. you follow him past tombstone in tombstone you here that there was a robbery by marcos smith. the towns people said that we went to phenox which is 3 days walking and 2 days horseback or I could take the train which would be 1 day but I only have 25 bucks on my and a train would be 50 I could try and get more money by helping the farmers but who knows how long that'll take
you decide that you should earn some money and buy a train ticket. you ask some nearby people if he could earn money by doing chores. they ask why you need so you explain and they said they would be happy to donate 25 to you. so you quickly buy the next train ticket and while you wait you sleep quickly. Wow, you are energised and you will get there a whole day before Marcos. you get on the train fast forward a day, and you arrive in Phinox. in phinox you see another bank getting robbed what do you do help stop the robber or keep walking.
you help them out but in the middle when you confront the robber he shoots you in the chest
keep walking the police can figure it out by themselves. ok, you should probably get a motel room but wait you have no money and you're too tired to do any chores. should you sneak into the motel so you get a good night's sleep or should you do the right thing and sleep in the street?
wow your in bad mood letting the robberie go down and now sneaking into a motel. and you get to choose what room you want so obouvsly you choos the poshest room they have. with fridge stocked with drinks and the softest matress you've ever seen your living the life the next day you go to the spot where marcos should arive but should you duel him or snipe him
Hey marcos would you like to have a duel to end this once and for all sure back to back 20 steps ok you press against marcos's back "1"step "2" step "3" ste-bang you should have known marcos would have cheated...
sniping is the safe choice some howe you have this weird feeling that marcos would have cheated. you climb up the stable and line up your shot you see Marcos unsaddling his horse your about to shoot but then is it worth it you'll get 1,000 bucks for him alive or 500 bucks for him dead do you shoot him or threaten him
Freeze you yell at him I will shoot "ok ok I submit" he says he drops his gun you get down still aiming for his brain. turn around you order him. then you realise his hand is metal what is that not his hand he's holding a knife argh you shout he stabs you and spills your gut but in your last moment of life, you shoot out his brains. you're both dead.
nah it doesn't matter 500 is better than nothing you pull the trigger. Bam flop goes his body he falls onto the sandy ground his blood turns into a puddle. you get down and pull his still warm body onto you horse and you ride into the sunset passerbys shocked.
you're a good person or semi good person cuz after all you did not care wether or not a bank got robbed but good on you for try to survive the night. you settle in an alley and right after you start dozing off... Hey wake up! yells some angy hobo gimmy all your valualbulls or i'll kill you I don t have any thinng i swear you say stop lying he sitts at you and then repetally stabs you in the gut intill he searches you for anything and you slowly bleed out
you ride. after 2 days of riding you finally get to pheonix but when you get there you unsaddle your horse you look up at the glaring sun and you see a person on top of the corner store you can't make out their face because of the glare. wait no you know that mustache it's ma-bang agh you see a hole in your chest...