Concepts of Anthropology

Types of Anthropology


Cultural Anthro



Important People

Herbert Spencer <- ethnocentric >:(

Franz Boas <- cultural relativism and Historical particularism

Malinowski<- participant observation and the father of field research

Anthro No-nos

Ethnocentrism: viewing the world from their own cultural lens .

Structural Functionalism: all practices in a culture serve a function, for example magic addresses the human fear of uncertainty --> harmful because it leads to forcing ethnocentric meaning onto another person's culture

Anthro Yeses

Following the Fieldwork steps:1. informed consent 2. preliminary fieldwork 3. funding 4. long-term fieldwork 5. Analyze the data 6. Find a pattern

Big Concepts

Race: A category with no bio basis that is imposed on society for historical, political and social reasons--> Early American elites keeping power started the formation of common sense racism

Gender: A non biological category that explains how people present themselves

Culture: unbounded system of learned/shared beliefs

Hegemony: the consent given by the masses to the will of the the dominant fundamental group sometimes using force

Nations: Imagined community

Nationalism: Faith in the nation that relies on a mythical historical past

Humanizing and deeply exploring other cultures!

Power: the ability of someone to enforce their will on others

States: politically organized territory with a central gov --> loss of freedom

Class: the categories of different social standings

Marx and Weber <- commodifying human labor and the struggle between employee and employer

Neolibralism: The move to a free trade market that demolished small companies

Structural Violence: The non-physical violence of a system that discriminates against certain groups and denies them opportunities