If we imagine language as a big highway, words are the vehicles and grammar represents the road signs and markings that tell the people driving where to go and how to drive. Without them, a big road would quickly descend into total confusion. Likewise, without any grammar, we would be unable to form complex ideas into words. Therefore, to progress beyond fairly basic levels of expression, learners of any language need to master the essential grammatical rules and principles. So, it could be said that grammar is essential to be able to convey ideas or to express thoughts.
This unit is also a reflection on language learning, something that has also been subject to change due to time, by applying trial and error and caused by the realization of different methods for teaching and for learning. Since every person is unique, this means that they learn in different ways. That is why in this topic diverse grammar views will be explored; from prescriptive and descriptive grammar, to functional and communicative grammar.