CCA Values
provide an update 24h before training
If in school remind Mr Lee or Ms Sim in person then update in the chat.
punctuality, reach CCA on time
respect to the school leaders, teachers and coaches
When feeling like you are being scolded wrongly, please kindly inform the teachers and they will find a solution
no talking
A time for teachers and students to debrief
no shrugging of shoulders
if any teacher ask you a question reply them properly with a yes, no or i am not sure
dont be so defensive and dont argue with coach and teachers
During training everybody should be serious
balls, time and boards all to be set up and ready by 8 15 am
first aid kits to be beside the coach
Keeping of boards
everybody must help when packing of boards
standards - passing must reach the blade, shots should be on target
School issues
Complete homework on time
grades should reach requirement
Listen to teachers