Moving Coral Habitat House



Red Handfish Conservation

The innovative habitat provides a secure environment for Red Handfish, contributing to their conservation efforts.


Preserving the coral habitat benefits various marine species beyond Red Handfish, enhancing overall biodiversity.


The unique concept attracts eco-tourists, boosting local economies and raising awareness about marine conservation.

Scientific Research

Researchers gain insights into coral ecosystems, aiding in further conservation and restoration efforts.

SDG14 Progress

The initiative directly aligns with SDG14, advancing global targets for marine conservation.

Environmental Risks

Maintenance Costs

The use of artificial structures may pose unforeseen environmental risks or disrupt natural processes.

Maintaining and relocating these structures may prove costly in the long run.

Ecosystem Dependence

Over time, Red Handfish may become dependent on these structures, impacting their natural behavior.

Tourism Impact

Excessive tourism can stress the habitat and wildlife, requiring strict regulations.

Technological Challenges

Developing and managing moving coral houses comes with technological and operational challenges.

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