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Classics in Personality
What is personality?
A representation of the inside of an individuals psychological system comprising of their characteristic behaviour, thoughts and feeling patterns - Allport
What drives personality?
Biological, pscyhdynamic, social, cognitive ...
Biological: Genes (MZ twins 100%), hereditary importance Research on biological for Big 5 personality traits:
Riemann, R., Angleitner, A., & Strelau, J. (1997). Genetic and Environmental Influences on Personality: A Study of Twins Reared Together Using the Self- and Peer Report NEO-FFI Scales. Journal of Personality, 65(3), 449–475.
Nature vs Nurture -->
Dunn & Plomin (1990) - unique environment are more important for personality development
Scarr & McCartney (1983) gense influence envirnoment
Volitional personality change: people react to their environment and change personality accordingly =
Hudson & Roberts; students increase extroversion due to social desirability & adults in romantic relationship decrease neuroticism
Freud & psychoanalysis
Jean-Martin Charcot: claimed to alter individuals' consciousness by changing their 'magnetic fluid' in the brain (Mesmerism), cures hypnosis & hysteria
Breuner: 'Talk therapy', start of pscyhoanylasis, talk about repressed memories [tend to be sexual] --> cathartic method
Basis of psychoanalysis: pressure technique [apply pressure to forehead to allow flow of thoughts], free association, repressed memories, wish fulfilment hypothesis [involuntary thoughts], intrapsychic conflict (clash of psyche), interpretation of dreams
The theory of sexuality (1905): self-analysis, research on 'the perversions' [non-hetero sex], polymorphous perversity
'International psychoanalytical association' w/ Jung, Adler, Karl Abraham, Ernest Jones & Frued
Freud's death drive: unwanted, intrusive, traumatic memories, desire of death and sex, instinct of seeking pleasure and avoid pain
An explanation to shell shock, where personality is out of chacterter
Freud's ideas on women
Very anthropocentric, with a focus on castration anxiety & Oedipus complex. For women, the development of the Electra complex and penis envy. This was disputed with Karen Horney (a metaphorical penis envy, the power of man)
Structure of the mind
Conscious level, Preciousness level and Unconscious level
Superego (moral, guilt) 3 -5 yrs/Phallic stage [all levels]
Ego (the self, reality principle) 1 yrs [all levels]
Id (immediate gratification, pleasure) birth [unconscious]