Hinduism has far more extensive guidance than Christianity toward the issue of modern slavery through the extensive text based on multi-sided arguments
Comparison and Contrast
Slavery Info
Hindu Guidance
Extent of Guidance
Extent of Guidance
Christian Guidance
Information on how slavery effects the world today, maybe use some facts about it if given in source information.
Mention/write entire hypothesis
Brief introduction into religions
Brief introduction into modern slavery before more in depth piece of information in paragraph after this
Releasing slaves was an act of charity back in the day.
Give basic information on slavery's origin
Possibly speak about some form of statistic in regards to the number of people in modern slavery today.
Speak about the several types of slavery and the main parts of the world that are included such as China, America, India and Eritrea.
More than 21 million people are in situations where they may be in modern slavery to this day
Speak about the effect of modern slavery on it's enslaved (health issues, taking of basic human rights, inability to escape from these situations)
In agreeance with slavery
In slavery's negative light
Caste-based system
untouchable caste being hardest to escape and most vulnerable to slavery.
bad karma
dharma teaches adherents to be role models therefore making slavery bad
Extensively teaches that inflicting pain or suffering on another individual is bad because what happens to you should happen to someone else
Karma is based on previous life. Work for free in order to 'repent' for the bad karma
There are several key teaching that can be used in relation to the slavery issue including Ahimsa, Atman, Dharma, the teachings of karma and the caste system all can be related far more extensively to the issue of modern slavery than Christianity's single-sided point.
Christian's in modern day have to use socioeconomic teachings in order to inform their decision rather than solely using their religious faith in order to gain understanding of the right path
Christians only really have an informative side of their faith as to the affirmative of modern slavery rather than the disagreeing side.
Clearly not as extensive as the hindu side of the argument
Does however teach of some more of the boundaries around slavery and can give information on the proper care/leaving precautions around the slavery of a Hebrew.
Only really shows extensive guidance for one side of the argument and doesn't show any form of modernised guidance because it encourages something that is fairly highly regarded as being immoral and illegal.
Contrast that the hindu ethics have better views of both sides.
Compare that they both have strong arguments for optus.
Contrast that Hinduism clearly has better multi-sided arguments for both of them.
Christian adherents still have to turn to their social pathways in order to find the answer to the general question of modern slavery.
Exodus 21
Restate the points that were spoken about through the essay.
Tiered Hierarchical system where people are being exploited.
Debt Bondage is one of the types of slavery. Reinforced by the caste system since the Dalits are forced to take out loans and then they get stuck doing this bonded labour.
Often times oppressive, people are born into these situations and often times if they're in the untouchable caste they can't escape.
Slavery is work for free. Do this work so you get good karma
Hopefully use sources in this part depending on whether or not a thing about india is given.
Dharma outlines in a lot better detail how a person might respond to both topics allowing an adherent to mainly rely on their religion rather than relying on both their religion and the social topics being discussed by others in terms of the issue.
Send their daughters into factories to get a marriage dowry in exchange for them working there for years and years.
Christianity has a strict ruleset regarding slavery and the releasing of a slave after six years.
This could be used to confirm the affirmative side because the person is being treated like a human being in comparison to a being treated like an animal.