Old version
4.2 I aspire to help realise the birth of a regenerative, more engaged and connected culture. In order to avoid re-projecting the old upon the new, I agree with the need to deconstruct my education and the standard societal norms. My commitment to examining old ways of being requires me to reorient my compasses away from separation, certainty, comfort and control, towards trust, responsibility, transparency, introspection and a deeper capacity for intimacy. I agree to pursue personal development when I notice triggers, absolutes or beliefs that prevent me from relating authentically.
4.3 I am willing to make space for difficult conversations, without relationships falling apart. I accept that at times this work may be challenging, and I know that by tapping into a deep inner resourcefulness, with the support of each other, I can find the courage to learn, heal, adapt, and discover.
4.4 I want to be connected closely and authentically and undertake change-focused work together with the group. However, there may also be times when I reach my stretch limit, so I agree to actively look for help to re-gain my balance.