Childhood Obesity
Tackling Obesity
Food high in sugar, salt, and fat increases the risk of obesity, while vegetables, fruit, and wholegrains reduce the risk.
Healthy diet is more effective than dieting
Exercise is beneficial for health and helps with weight management
It's important to establish food tastes, habits, and preferences
International plan
UK plan
Combining top down approaches from government with bottom up approaches from local communities.
Action in the formative early years
At least 9 successful local/targeted initiatives in other countries
For the first time success in reducing childhood obesity within the UK
France and Netherlands plan
Learning from successful initiatives in other countries, including how to successfully scale up local initiatives
The value of ‘whole system’ approaches and targetting those at greatest risk.
To have optimum effect, top down policies from governments need to combine with bottom up, community-based approaches
Examples of successfully scaling up effective local initiatives, both nationally and internationally
This means putting children’s health at the forefront - as a shared responsibility for all stakeholders
One off interventions in single settings aren't enough.
Politicians, both nationally and locally, need to realize just how serious a problem
Adopting this approach has already reduced levels of childhood obesity
Diffusion of the problem
Obesity Q & A
How can behaviour change contribute to reducing the epidemic?
What do you see as the biggest cultural and social challenges to behavioural change?
Just how bad is the obesity problem in the UK?
You have researched a number of international projects to tackle obesity. What do you consider the biggest determinants of success?
Can sports clubs help tackle male obesity?
We are providing participants with support from community coaches trained in diet, nutrition, physical activity, and behavior change techniques.
its local Clinical Commissioning Group and Local Authority to reduce obesity-related Type 2 Diabetes
Leading football and rugby clubs often have charitable community foundations, some of which now run weight loss programs.