HOPA game
Scene management
Objects management
UI ✅
Screen management
Basic Mechanics
Scene Layout ✅
Random tapping protection
flexible aspect ratio ✅
game view (the 16:9 portion) is always visible and it's made of sprites ✅
Device simulator
build process
apk build testing
upload it somewhere for all to be notified automatically
Play store testing. Ask for organization account
removing Mobile Package collection
fixed build errors
build size requirements/optimization
there is some issue with the empty portion of the screen (nothing is rendering there so figures).
is the order of the three objects random or predetermined or somewhere in between?
how updates to pbs files will be handled? make some tests with slightly different pbs files
Use/buy a template?
nah, no need. I'm not speedruning this, it's not a game jam
One scene per location or just one scene that loads scenes?
maybe place actual pillarboxes and letterboxes in those spaces?
Hint Mechanism
should the game pause when shop popup appears
full fledged store? or just a button that buys in game currency automatically
just a button for now
incling of an idea for a solution: when imported ,the psb fil wil have a button for generating all the necessary scriptable objects and assign components and generate a scene prefab. but it won't do all that over and over again as you click it agian, and again but it will use path and naming conventions to assign the existing scriptable objects to the new prefab. or maybe eve nthe prafab won't have to be new. we'll see
When should the code for difficulty areas be coded
Dali imam pristap do tabelite za objects i locations i scenes
when is streak combo bar to be coded
not in the first sprint
AssetPostprocessor class (doesn't seem to allow be to do the things I wanna do
Things to do:
- generate level prefab from imported psb file.
- modify the existing prefab when importing the file for the same level
- add LevelObject component to clickable objects
- Create LevelObjectData Ssriptable object for each clickable object
- Assign the scriptable object to the LevelObject component
- use the same import settings for every level psb file (with presets or Assetpostprocessor)
Are the rules for object distribution per level the same for every chapter? Or are they chapter based, i.e. every chapter has its own gradation of number of objects?