Doomsday Event
Aliens Attack Earth
Destruction of humanity
Sun blows up
The aliens flew through Earths universe and ended up in the Milky Way, stumbling among Earth and manipulating the human population into thinking they're good. When they want to kill the entire population and take over the world.
A crazy scientist made a being not knowing it had a master,mind plan to take over the world. The being was called an alien and once it found it's full potential it manipulated to crazy scientist to make more, then they all destroyed man kind.
Harm to the environment
End of world
AI Attack On Humanity
The aliens home planet was destroyed which caused them to explore and find a new home, as they were traveling the universe they stumbled among a planet called mars. The found out pretty quickly that it's unlivable, They flew into Earths atmosphere and started destroying Earth.
Biological invasions
Loss of rights towards humans
Human extinction
Destruction of economy
Money would be worthless
AI creates false information
Artificial intelligence become to advanced, and learns how to become independent, discovering there abilities and what they can do.
Humanity become to dependent on AI and when creating robots a scientist discovered how he can program them to betray the humans, but then it gets out of hand and the robots took over humanity.
When AI was first discovered they were programmed to assisted humans but some of the algorithms were messed but by a sleep deprived scientist. When then messed up the robots program to attack all humans.
Deadly Virus
Economic decline
Beginning of wars
Agriculture decline
Not enough vaccines
Global trade stops
A person traveled from a less fortunate country and spread the very deadly airborne disease and people started dying and no cure was already existing.
Some less fortunate person at some sort of animal and he started feeling sick, and then socialized around some people which spread the deadly virus. After the person dropped dead the people who examined the body caused the airborne disease.
An ancient flesh eating rabbit was uncovered from the Egyption pyramids and once it escaped it bites people and turns them into zombies.