Physical Assessment
NEURO: A&OX4, alert to person, place, and time, ambulatory 1 person assist, pupils are round, equal and reactive to light. Pt report 6/10 headache pain.
RESP: Pt lungs are CTA. No cough or secretions.
Chest tube last 24 hours drained 70mL of bloody secretion.
CV: Normal sinus rhythm, pulses +2, capillary refills < 2 seconds.
afebrile, no edema.
GI: Last BM: 10/17/23, bowel sounds active, abd is flat, soft, and no tenderness.
Diet: Heart healthy diet
GU: Pt ambulates to restroom to void
Skin: Skin is intact, no wounds
LINES: 20 g indwelling cath left arm
Fall risk: bed alarms set, bed is at lowest position, two side rails are up, call light button in reach, patient has nonslip socks on.
10/18/23: 0800
BP: 163/73
MAP: 105
HR: 79
RESP: 18
SPO2: 96% RA
Temp: 98.110/18/23: 1200
BP: 133/74
MAP: 94
HR: 84
RESP: 18
SPO2: 97% RA
Temp: 97.9
Scheduled Medications:
acetaminophen 650mg PO q6hrs for pain
Classification: Analgesic
Nursing consideration: Contraindicated if pt has liver or kidney disease.
Lactulose solution 20g
Classification: Laxative
Nursing consideration: Monitor for signs of electrolyte imbalance, increased thirst, hunger, fatigue, and notify HCP.
Mupirocin 2%
Classification: Antibiotic
Nursing consideration: Teach pt appropriate application.
Oxycodone 5mg PO q4hrs for pain
Classification: Opioid
Nursing consideration: Monitor pain relief, respiratory rate, mental status, and bowel movements.