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Topic 4: East and West Germany - Coggle Diagram
Topic 4: East and West Germany
Economic miracle
Bizonia 1947
removed price controls
removed controls over wages
currency reform
reducing marginal tax rates - to spend on goods
Cheap labour from the east
Marshall Aid - provided less than 5% German national income
Korean War 1950-53 - increased demand of good from rhur
Erhard developed social market economy - legislation + capitalism
industrial production had risen by 25% 1948
By 1959, industry production levels had doubled
GNP doubled 1950-55 - 64.4
Exports - 1955-60 - 22,000
Social Market economy
unrestrained capitlaism and regulated communist economy
Private property, enterprise etc protected with support of financial incentives
state could intervene to defend common interest
mid 1950s coal porduction more than 1936
1954- FRG 3rd largest trading power - mechanical products - motorisation
"Made in Germany" good quality + reasonable price
1950s - workforce 23%-13%
Recieved ehavy subsidies
1950-65 25% increased production
Mechanisation - tractors- more efficient farming
1955 - 4.2%
Influx of 3 mill from GDR - Adenauer magnet theory
Foreign Policy
1949 St Petersburg agreement - w/Allied High commission allow them to join the international Ruhr Authority
1949 - OEEC
1951 - ECSC - removed foreign control + reconciled with france + coal and steel increased 44% 1952-7
1957 - Treaty of Rome - EEC - harmonise trade and priced - 1954 85% FRG agriculture under eec
1957 plebiscite over the saar
Council of Europe 1948
Accept division of germany
renounced independence
NATO - recognition of FRG as an independent state
NATO 1955 - contribute forces to korean war
German rearmament
Occupationof statute ended 1955 - no longer occupy berlin
Remilitarisation 1955
USSR - Hallstein Doctrine
Adenauer not recognise east germany
refused diplomatic relations
Impact of WW2
25% of pop fatherless
Women forced out of work, into home
Refugees from east 12-13mill
1952 Equalisation of Burdens act - tax on property and fund economic assistance to those affected by war, then tax redistributed - 143 million deutschmarks
430,000 houses built by 1952
4 miilion by 1957
risen by 400% - 1949-63
Spiessburger - improve living due to economy
Law 131 - Nazi civil servants regained jobs
40-80% ex nazi civil servants
able to claim pensions - not aliented
Adenauer Fall from Power
Presidency fiasco - mistakes
1959 Adenauer was withdrew his nomination for presidency - no power to continue policies
Adenauer lost public sympathy because willing to damage image of highest office for personal interest
TV Dispute - mistake
1958-61 - Legal conflict
SPD claimed that the national tv company that adenauer had established, was a threat to German federalism and freedom of media
National TV Company state controlled
1961 company declared unconstitutional + dissolved
1961 Elections -
CDU won 45% of vote- not absolute majority
Coalition with FDP 13% - condition that Adenauer had to step down
Der Spiegel Affair
Left wing political magazine - criticised sorus on foreign plicy
10th Oct 1962 published planned nato military manoeuvres in even of atack by warsaaw pact
Offices were shutdown and jounalists arrested charged iwht reason - by Strauss
Criticised for endorsing censorship
Misled Bundestag when sked about W.german forces
publicly defended strauss
5FDP member left cabinet in protest + resignation of Strauss
Adenauer sack Strauss + resign in a yr.
Adenauer refused to accept personal responsibility or blame
Adenauer resigned 1963
Prevent dictatorship
All parties had to uphold democracy
Politcial parties culdnt be abolished
No rule by emergency decree
President was symbolic
Supreme court had the power to investigate and prevent anti democratic activities
Chancellor only chosen with support of parliament
Mxed member proportional epresentation - vote=2votes
Half of seats majority voes
Parties had to gain 5% to be represented 1953
1945 - CDU 31%
1953 - CDU 45.3%
1957 - CDU 50.2%
GDR 1949
Volkskammer - not democratically elected , fixed results
Pressure to vote - 99.7% approved list of candidates
Poitburo - communist party
Ulbricht most power
Stasi 1950 - State within a state
Discover signs of dissent
Failing to conform to mainstream society - long hair/ Western music
Lander abolished 1952 and replaced by Bezirke, easier to control
Secratary of Sed held all power (ulbricht)
Politbureau - Ulbricht part leader, Pres Pieck, PM Grotewohl
Absolute loyalty to USSR + SED
Those disloyal were subjected to triales, expelled and imprisoned
New Party Control Commission - Removed all critics of SED
-Ulbricht abolished office of president after pieck died
Ulbricht became chairman of the council of state
1950 1/2 of judges and 86% of prosecutors were members of SED
Guided by SED
-200,000 prosecuted for political reasons
Peoples politics VP 1949 - traditional police, however rather ineffective, mainly oversaw frontier checks
NVA 1956 - traditional army strongly influenced by soviets and controlled pop
SMAD - Soviet troops remained in GDR in case of NATO attack + crush internal disturbances like 1953
1953 Rising
Tightening border controls
Collectivisation of agriculture
demand for increase in productivity, without increase in pay
Ulbricht's policy of building socialism 1952 - increased role of state
16 June workers at stalinlee demanded end to increased hrs wiht no extra pay
general strike - removal of ulbricht + reunification of germany
Soviet troops called in, strikers dispersed
1300 put on trial
20000 SED officials removed
Zaisser and Hernstadt removed
increased hrs ended
increase in consumer goods
SED increased power and size of stasi
Ulbricht power strengthened
Why did it fail?
Soviet interention - soviet tanks and troops crushed uprising + imposed martial law
poor organisation - spontaneous, political and economic objectives printed on the day, no arrangments to seize power and no weapons
Non intervention of West - no risk to direct military involvement
Large estates given to peasant 1945 - lacked resources and machinery
1952 Collectivisation through LPGs
-->attracted small farmers
-->Mechanisation + tractors kedning sessions
--> 1958 2/3 of agriculture wasn't collectivised
Food shortages + drop production levels - fled to west
1959 LPG 45%, 1961 85%
-1961 production living standards decreased
--> food production decreased
-->1961 rationing reintroduced
Industry + Nationalisation
Five Year Plans
Unrelaistic production targets of heavy industry, due to lack of natural resources
-->increase industrial production by 188%
centralised planning - discouraged private initiatives and investment + too slow and couldnt react to short term demands
Brain drain - preferred ideology of west
Ignored consumer demands
quantity over quality
Price fixed
Second five year plan 1956 - aimed to combine production of capital and consumer goods
Seven year Plan 1959
align economic development of ddr to soviet union and accelerate process of nationalisation
Increase in consumer goods + living standards
Consumer goods expensive + small quantity
abandoned in 1962
NOSPL 1963
Flexibilty and inupt from workers
Owkrers had shares in profits - production
qulaity over quantity
Joined in 1950 - economically integrated ith eastern bloc
Foreign trade with eatern bloc trebled bwtween 1950-55
industrial prodction geared to demand of USSR
most engineering machinery dispatched to USSR in return for natural resources - unprofitable business
New Economic system NES
Access to better machinery
Increase educational opportunities
Free German Trade Union League - workers(SED)
Democratic women's league of Germany
League of culture - support from antifascists
German soviet friendship society - Soviet liberated Germany from fascism
Polytechnic schools
SED controlled youth organisations
Scholarships - disadvantaged
focus of sciences and technological skills
moral and ideological indoctrination - russian first language
sport and paramilitar training
--> prep for boys for military service and became compulsory from 1962
school administration could block career advancement unless committed to political system
effective for state indluence amd to control youth
spent 7% of GNP on education compared to 5% FRG
The Law of the democratisation of german schools 1946
banned all private and religious schools
centralised curriculum
abolition of selective schools and estabilish co-educational comprehenive schools
percentage of students from working class backgrounds rose by 17% 1945-49
1951-58 number of unis roase by 25%
Number of students doubled
by 1970 85% of pupil attended school for more than 8 years
provide flat rate benefits
health care was free from all state hospitals and medical centres
pensions available to all men aged 65 and women aged 60
Accident insurance was free
-All citizens had work, so no unemployment benefits
Berlin Wall
Berlin Ultimatum 1958: Krushchev wanted Kennedy to withdraw forces form west berlin within 6 months - rejected
Est impost travel restrictions
concrete wall
1949-61 - around 3 mill left east G