pick a topic

figure out what interests me

pick something that would be interesting to research

gather info / research

look at other project or examples that are intriguing

mood boards, pinterest, recent topics, pictures, ideas, friends

find sources and databases about topic

think of questions... find answers

gather general info

find key concepts, vocab, ideas, themes

look at existing research

start paper

make an outline

hook, intro, research question, thesis, body, conclusion

figure out a logical structure that will best convey the information you are researching

statement --> back it up (sources)

summarize points, ideas, quotes, sources

finish paper


use the key words, themes, and vocab to figure out what you're going to say

reorganize structure (if needed) so that writing is cohesive and easy to digest

put in actual writing and sentences from the points and statements you had

add in evidence and sources and transitions

make it flow

add whatever needs to be added, delete whatever needs to be deleted, move around sections, add sections, etc

read it OUT LOUD

fix whatever doesn't flow

make a friend read it

contemplate their suggestions and fix what needs to be fixed

read it out loud AGAIN

confused and stressed about what to choose but enthusiastic when I do find something interesting to research on


calmed down after I figure out how the paper is going to work

most likely going to procrastinate

excited that its all coming together

after realizing I procrastinated too long I freak out and start spouting random sentences and writing based on my outline and points

probably gonna just do the outline and structure and figure out the writing part later

everything eventually comes together and I just have to make it sound good and flow

its probably not gonna flow how I want it to then I'll get mad and stressed and delete a lot of stuff and spout out more sentences and sections

then it's all fine and it makes sense

I'll most likely freak out and get super stressed when I read it out loud and it doesn't read how I want it to and move everything around

its also probably super late at night and I'm a perfectionist so I spent forever making small fixes and adding small details

then I spend some time spam calling my friends and forcing them to read my paper and contemplate on their advice

then I happily turn it in and forget about it till the grade comes out :)