Doomsday Events
Zombie Invasion (Causes)
AI Invasion (Causes)
Alien Invasion (causes)
Nuclear Warfare
A scientist that messed up and experment and made a virus not knowing giving it to someone and them turning into a Zombie.
An invected rat that bit someone slowly turning them.
A person gone crazy that they started to try and eat people.
Zombie Invasion (Impact on us)
The zombie invasion will start to kill off us humans one by one , this could make us start not caring for anything and ruin buildings and anything that we can.
The zombies will kill whoever meaning that people on farms could most likly get bitten and turned that means that us humans won't get food anymore that is being grown and taken to shops which will make it really hard for us to eat.
With zombies running aroun dkilling everyone people wil start to panick and not make good decisions.This will make it hard for anyone to life becasuse we will be the reason our city and homes are dystoryed , animals will start to die off as welll which will strat to also ruin our Earth and slowly we will die from zombies and from our Earth being ruined and toxic.
A robot getting developed goes wrong , by getting the wrong chip and making it to smart for everyones good
A person that makes an AI to smart so that they can work for him/her , the AI start to go may ham and destroy everything and now have an army.
A robot having access to a lot of data that makes it smarter.
Aliens want to rule the universe killing off everything else.
Humans have an Alien hostage so the rest of the Aiens come to rescue it , making us pay the price.
Aliens lose there home making them travel and the universe searching for a planet and finds ours.
A person insspired by Hilter causes another world war but uses the technology we have today to make a massive nuke ending everything and everyone.
A child misundertsand what the big red button is for.
A country turns ther back to another country leadin gto a war which includes nukes.
AI Invasion (Impact)
No internet connections meaning you can't contact people easily.
Robots spread wrong infomation to lead us somewhere to end us.
Humanity ends
Robots take control of us making us , leading us to be underruled and not have any control.
Alien Invasion (Impact)
Our world get destroyed which means we all die.
We will get kicked off of Earth making us life without a planet which wil lead to extintion sooner or later.
Aleins life with us but it causes a lot of issues leading us to battles and agruments forever.
Aliens now life with us peacfully so we are now connected as one.
Nuclear Warfare (Impact)
A lot of people die , making it hard for civilasation to maintain 'normality' , with the people dieing protest and rallies start happening because they are angry that people had to die becuase of the leaders that were in charge , people could try and kill off there leaders for putting them through this , which leads to total caose.
The radiation makes it extremely hard to grow new things leaving us without or limated food.
We all have to wear gas masks for most or all of our lifes never being able to take it off because of the radiation.
The air goes bad killing of plants and animals which slowly starts to kill our land , which slowly starts to kill us.